Reviews for Translations
mille libri chapter 27 . 5/7
A hard moment for Vega, and you made it crackle with life.
mille libri chapter 26 . 5/4
There's such a poignancy here, in their bravery and their resolve and their tired courage. You've brought it all to life very nicely.
mille libri chapter 25 . 5/2
Nice precise battle sequence here!
mille libri chapter 24 . 5/1
A lovely scene between the two of them, particularly poignant for the fears he denies having.
mille libri chapter 23 . 4/30
Love the camaraderie here, and the apology was well done - and handled with a maturity that shows how much James has grown up over the course of the story.
mille libri chapter 22 . 4/30
This was a perfect aftermath for the starkness of the last chapter - James knows what he can do for her, who he can be for her, and he uses that with confidence to bring her out of herself. It's an equal relationship now, or more equal, anyway, and you've built it beautifully.
mille libri chapter 21 . 4/30
Thessia is chilling to play through, and you brought that to life with all its dirt and noise and defeat here. Very well done.
mille libri chapter 20 . 4/29
James Vega, the closet romantic. This was lovely. (Also, in case you're still checking this, you have "Cereberus" instead of "Cerberus" and "recipie" instead of "recipe" in the opening paragraphs.)
mille libri chapter 19 . 4/25
Delightful chapter! You have a lovely touch with James's inner thoughts, and the James/Garrus banter was great, as was Shepard's reaction ... and James's awareness that her laughter is a gift to treasure.
mille libri chapter 18 . 1/7
Dang. That was brazen, both of them with their cards on the table, metaphorically as well as literally. I like that Shepard didn't play games with them ... and the image of Kaidan's demeanor changing every time he looked at her, and it being not entirely by choice, was really interesting.
mille libri chapter 17 . 11/14/2019
Vega's going to drive himself crazy counting minutes the way he is, but it makes so much sense for where they are and how much they've been through.
mille libri chapter 16 . 10/12/2019
Excellent use of Tali here. She's both charming and funny.
mille libri chapter 15 . 10/11/2019
That's a great moment there between James and Tali, a reminder of how well Shepard's long-time crew understand her and know what she needs to do, something James is only just coming to learn.
mille libri chapter 14 . 7/24/2019
He just can't resist the swagger, can he? Pure Vega, right here.
mille libri chapter 13 . 7/9/2019
This was lovely - Shepard giving in, just a little, letting him see beneath the surface of her because she wants him to, feels very earned at this point in the story, because he's shown her he can handle it.
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