Reviews for Less than Classified
Booklover76529 chapter 4 . 5/10/2017
Am I the only one who hates Barbara Gordon?
grimmjow Kurosaki Drake chapter 7 . 5/3/2013
oH Shiit Tim is just so cute !
I still love the fic and I'm afraid that Kon will do something stupid. Poor Timmy nobody understand him.
I'll be waiting for the fic's continuation and begging to gods that everything ends good to Tim (Even when it don't seems go on that way)
Chaseha-Wing chapter 6 . 3/5/2013
This is so damaged and creepy, horrifying even. Tim's a rapist and forcing Jay's mind...however his over confidence and his "pet" might just be his undoing. He never learned from the last time; Jay can not be controlled. Can't be predicted. Lust and love are strong but stronger still is Jay's sense of justice and his quest for what is right...poor Dick, he needs to be saved. Surely someone will look for him...Bruce, please help your children. You saved Jason before, be there for him again...does jay still have that cell?
GlOmP3R chapter 6 . 3/5/2013
:o oh boy! poor Robbin! Bt i fear for Jay more! cant wait for more :D
imaninja41 chapter 5 . 3/4/2013
I'm looking forward to seeing where you're taking this.
SS-Penguin chapter 5 . 2/20/2013
How could make Tim so horrifying?
Chaseha-Wing chapter 5 . 2/20/2013
DIIIIICK! Man why is Tim so evil and crazy? He's worse then last time! Jason, save yourself before something worse happens. DIIICK! SURVIIIIVE! Remember you're an acrobat TT_TT
And to think Tim use to love Dick... man this is scary and sad. And Kon is...Kon is crazy! SOMEONE! SAVE JASON! FIRE TIM! MAKE DICKIE OKAAAAY!
GlOmP3R chapter 5 . 2/20/2013
.-. oo, Tim's bad! YAY! please oh please let him do somthing to jason! muahahah! i just loce drama !
fan1313 chapter 4 . 2/11/2013
This is awesome more please and I love how messed up you made so evil and sexy change some names and context this would be an awesome novel
Megu 3 chapter 4 . 2/9/2013
Well I have to say it.
Please please continue the fic.
don't let me like that.
I really want it And I really will can do everything for you to continue it
well not really but please it is one of the greatest fics that I never read and I cant't just leave it
so be good wuith my soul in pain and put the next charapter
(Pd sorry for the shit English but I dont Talk any English cuz I'm chilean and I just talk spanish but I try my best)
Chaseha-Wing chapter 4 . 12/15/2012
And once again, EVERYTHING is back to creepy territory. Timmy is NOT as sane as he let on (or at all) Jason can't stop hurting himself, and is finally breaking due to all his trauma. And believe me, its A LOT of trauma. Babs is dead ( BAAAAAAABS!) and Dick is so very. very pissed (concerned, but pissed and heart broken!).
Still, Barbra lasted 6 minutes against a Super! That's amazing! Barbra is just so cool...was so cool. I hope she was able to send clues to help Bruce and Dick understand/ solve this case and her murder. She knew she couldn't win, but 6 minutes is a LOT of time to leave a few clues. I hope they can save Jason before its too late again. The man loves with all his heart and soul, he gives Tim everything... and yet in the end, Tim WILL hurt him. Because Tim's not sane enough to do anything else.
Anon chapter 3 . 9/22/2012
You have to continue this is the best.
mizperceived chapter 3 . 7/19/2012

This and the prequel? original? first story? whatever... the other - AH MAY ZING!
imaninja41 chapter 3 . 7/18/2012
Barbarar is dead? No way...

omigosh! Jaytim sexy times!
imaninja41 chapter 2 . 6/30/2012
Poor little Timmy!

And... wel, kind of poor Jason...
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