Reviews for An Offer to Make
MyGuiltiestPleasure chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
Oh my goodness, this is exactly like I imagined their first meeting. I mean yeh the case and stuff is different, but I imagined Sherlock being a serious druggy in the hospital, possibly recovering from an OD, and a case happening in the hospital itself that Lastrade can’t solve. Sherlock solves the case without ever leaving his bed. He uses the cases as you suggested as a way to keep his mind busy, and to maintain his sanity. Lastrade finds out about Sherlock second hand from Sherlock’s therapist who was promised by Sherlock a decent therapy session without the rude comments, and smart-alecky prose if she forwards his findings on to the detective. Lestrade listens, is impressed, asks to meet this genius who’s stupid enough to slowly kill himself with narcotics just to silence the quite of his boredom. The talk just like you wrote, and Lestrade offers Sherlock his lifeline, and a friendship that Sherlock never had before.
See this is why a story never can end for me. I see possibilities where others see periods.
Karkitty will eat you chapter 1 . 11/18/2012

That's all the words.
Bookwoman17NerdyMom chapter 1 . 10/29/2012
I'd love to read more of this. What happens next?
CharmingKarma chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
I really liked this. I think ou nailed the character interaction down to a tee, and I love how you threw in Lestrade's thoughts about when Sherlock would call. Sherlock, always the rebel, had to prove him wrong. Thanks for writing!
heth chapter 1 . 6/13/2012
Loved this story short but sweet. I hope you continue on with them I like these two together they are a good together.
Doni chapter 1 . 6/13/2012
Nice concept. Great explanation for how Sherlock came to work with the police.