Reviews for Love On A Full Moon
Guest chapter 47 . 4/2
Love your story so much, love issac and ellie together, please update soon x
Guest chapter 47 . 8/13/2018
Please update soon :))
Camille785 chapter 3 . 7/11/2018
Hey! So my mother language is French (Québec) and I want to propose something for your French line. Since she is talking to someone her age and a classmate, the "you" that should be employed is the singular 2nd person. Yes, I know that Google Translate translates every "you" with "vous", but "vous" is the plural form. Sooooo, that being explained, maybe change the "vous" for a "tu", and change "lécher" for "léchais". And the "mon" for a "ma" (strawberry in French is "Fraise". Since the word has a female gender and is singular, the determinent(?) in front of it is female singular, so "ma".)

P.S "vous" is used with strangers and with old people. It is respectful. You dont know those people, so respect them. If you do not use the "vous", its like saying "Yo dude!". "Tu" is used with classmates (only when talking to one person. Talking to multiple classmates, use "vous", but not because it is polite, but because its plural), parents, friends, aunts and uncles that are young, cousins. Bref, anyone you are close with, you use "tu" or you "tutois". Any old people, and you use "vous" or you "vouvois". And also, the "tu" changes to "vous" if you address more than one person. :)

Isnt French a great language?! The only way to truly master the language, I think, is to be born with it as your mother tongue. They are somany crooks and nanies and genders and plural/singular and accords! Believe me, English is simple compared to French, even if English has more words.

Anyway, French lesson finished! Going back to read your story! :D
Cassie-011 chapter 47 . 7/17/2017
I like this, but really hoping for the Derek and Ellie action to start happening already..
FamilyBusiness1854 chapter 47 . 12/24/2016
GirlNextDoor01 chapter 45 . 12/10/2016
I LOVE Isaac and Elise (Ellie)

hulkvengers chapter 47 . 11/18/2016
OMG! I love this story so much! Could you please update soon, I want to read more!
Kaija chapter 47 . 8/2/2016
I love love loveeee ittttt. But when will she get in with Derek because they would be super cute together xx
ghostfox59 chapter 47 . 8/1/2016
IM ADDICTED to reading this... i just finished all the chapters in 1 night...
devious.scribe chapter 47 . 8/1/2016
So I'm kind of in love with this. I've read it all in the last two days when I haven't been at work. I'm definitely a Dellie shipper and the wait is killing me. I really want to know how you get them on the same page and have it all go in that way. I'm hoping that's still your end game.
Guest chapter 47 . 7/31/2016
I notice that you have a habit of frequently switching between past tense (e.g. said, looked, smiled) and present tense (e.g. says, looks, smiles). It's a little disconcerting and can make a story look messy. I know it's a mistake that can easily happen, but if you don't take the time to read through your work and correct your grammar mistakes, it can influence the quality of your writing in a long run.
Kaija chapter 46 . 7/13/2016
New Chapter please, I loveeeeeee it xx
Guest chapter 46 . 6/20/2016
Is Derek and Ellie still your endgame?
SunsetsInTheMaze chapter 24 . 4/22/2016
Love your fanfic so far, also Stile's mom's name was claudia its revealed in season 3
ghostfox59 chapter 46 . 3/28/2016
Oh my god this story is awesomesauce! But what did u mean when Peter said that Ellie got a tattoo? Also when is it gonna be Ellie/Derek? Can't wait to find out what happens next!
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