Reviews for Forgotten Embers
Guest chapter 4 . 5/8/2017
It was as if the writers of OLS wrote a movie and this was the script. I don't know if you ever will continue writing this, but it would be a serious shame to not see this masterpiece finished.
LordMentat chapter 4 . 5/1/2015
Hope the next chapter comes out soon. Left a bit of a cliffhanger and i hate/love those :3
bubbajack chapter 2 . 12/29/2014
This was another great chapter! You've covered a lot in just two chapters. Which is as great as it is astounding. Every chapter I read is so detailed I feel like I've read four or five chapters worth of what passes for 'normal' around here. Till my next review,

-Bubbajack out!
bubbajack chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
Dude...this was just the first chapter? Awesome! I love how you packed so much into just the first chap and it was GOOD too! I have no idea why this doesn't have more reviews, it certainly deserves them. I look forward to seeing how things develop from here. Till I finish reading the next chap,

-Bubbajack out!
aumguitarist07 chapter 4 . 8/26/2012
Wow... just... wow! Amazing! And, to think, I haven't seen any reviews on this fic! I wonder if it's the fact that no one reads OLS fics anymore (blasphemous!) or that people are intimidated by the average length of your chapters, lol. (Oops, well, I just noticed this is a re-upload; I guess that might explain it... but, is it true that you've lost chapter 5?!) Well, regardless, this is without a doubt one of the best fics I've read on this site, much less for this series. My hat's off to you, good sir. The dialogue is top notch, even the most heartwarming (read: cheesiest) moments aren't so over-the-top as to elicit a wince, and the action scenes are easy to follow and envision. The characters feel spot on (keeping in mind the 7-year span of time to allow for a little maturing on certain characters' parts), and the spelling/grammatical errors are sparse enough so as not to be distracting. Really, really great! I admit, when I started reading OLS fics, I was a little bewildered at the thought of a Jim/Aisha pairing, but you've made a believer out of me! I really could go on and on about this story (and I'm sure your ego wouldn't mind it), but I shall just suffice it to say, "Very well done!" Thanks for a highly enjoyable reading experience. I wish you 'good writing' in your future endeavors!