Reviews for With You
DianeJasmine chapter 1 . 2/8/2013
I love history when explained from a Hetalian's point of view. It is so much more fun.

In history class, I'll be like, "And then France and England shouted, 'Shut up!'" or "Russia, Russia, Russia. He's such a big country."

And everyone else in the room asks me why I am referring to the countries as human.

And I giggle in a spastic manner.

And they back away with frightened looks on their faces.

Ah, good times.

Anyway, great story/stories as always. I shall not be reviewing you again, as I think four emails from the same person is a bit much, don't you?

Bye bye!
Sora Resi chapter 1 . 11/2/2012
Absolutely amazing... there are no other words for it :)
Blood Dark Sun chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
Gah! So much amazing research. You floor me, hon. I liked it, even though you know I don't ship USUK. Very sweet, and emotionally satisfying. Nice.
HarponMOO chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
Yeah, I was too lazy to login but I totally wanted to review! Your words are always beautiful, espcially in this story. The history and the sadness and the ending. It was truly fantastic. Arthur being so desperately lonely and angry and confused. And America apologising was great, and awkwardly in character. And seriously, is your last name Midas because everything you write is gold? x)
BAYBAY841 chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
Wow I really liked this. I agree with everyone else. I love how you didn't make their relationship all perfect. It was very realistic especially the paranoia America was going through at that time
FlygonRider chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
This's a great story. I loved how you potrayed their relationship as not the fluffy, joyful, happy-go-lucky romance that most seem to want to do. It's raw, emotional, and tugs at the heartstrings as Alfred and Arthur try to make their love work.


The only thing that popped out for me was in your authors note at the end, when you said Hungary won the Revolution of 1956. As much as I love an underdog, that's not what happened. It lasted from October 23 to November 10. On October 23 was when the first shots were fired, which lead to the toppling of the government and a ceasefire on October 28. By October 30 much of the Soviet forces had drawn out of Hungary, and many believed they would be able to implament shelved reforms.

However, that all changed on November 4, when the Soviet tanks invaded Budapest. At 5:20 am, Imar Nagy had his last broadcast, begging for the world to help him. At 8:07, the station stopped broadcasting and the government surrendered.
Hageshi Akari chapter 1 . 6/9/2012
It was good written, absolutely very good written. The way you pictured all the tension that was going around everyone really represented them, but one of the things that i loved in the narration was Alfred's and Arthur's relationship because it felt like it pictured a happy couple that were going through difficult times and didn't even knew how they ended in such a horrid relation between them and were unsure if they would make through all of it. It seems they did but all the little details about how they were before and the different ways they hurt each other, to see how they still loved the other deeply was exactly the thing what make it a good lecture, well and also the historic data that backed everything up.

Just... Amazing