Reviews for The Killer in Me, In You
Margaret chapter 2 . 6/11/2012
A werewolf- Tony Stark as a werewolf... that's new! The intensity of the plot in the surgery room with Banner was so palpable that I had to go read it again just to have that same sense of suspense. Will there be more scenes like that where Tony is still hurt, but at the same time has the possibility to transform into a werewolf? I could not help but laugh at "If I owned anything to do with the Avengers, Bruce and Tony would have kissed instead of just eye-fucking each other :3." haha, still makes me laugh- and thank you for recognizing the reviewers, makes me know that author's do read people's comments/reviews. You have a few grammatical errors, but besides that, I like where the plot is going... and are you planning to ship Tony and Bruce together as this continues?
Cornmaize122 chapter 2 . 6/10/2012
...Go Team Tony! ;D

Seriously, though, this looks really interesting.
Shara Raizel chapter 2 . 6/10/2012
oh snap! can't wait to see where this goes. _
RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets chapter 2 . 6/10/2012
This was fucking amazing! Guh! Words can NOT describe how awesome this is! Please update soon! If you don't I might cry!
AlmostHeaven chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
Wow. Very well done. Your take on Tony is quite good. Can't wait for more! This has epic potential.
Purged98654321 chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
Dude. Yes.

LOVE where you're going with this.

Very nice and suspenseful.

I'm wondering if this might be some creature from Asgard or something?

Mostly because of the possible "pattern" on the ground where the thing/beast/alien crashed.

Totally made me think of Thor's movie and such.

Anyways, this is just a guess, but...

The wolf is some sort of werewolf thing, yes?

That's just a theory of mine since you say Tony's changing and needs learn to 'control himself.'

Like, not *exactly* a werewolf, but something similar.

Sounds fun :D

Anyways... Keep writing ;3

I'll love you so hard.

Yes, I know I'm not using "hard" correctly and that it's supposed to be "much."
13tash07 chapter 1 . 6/9/2012
O.o so much Stark whump on this site.. but this is brilliant! Can't just leave us there! Continue ASAP!
Girl-of-1000-fandoms chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
Oooh suspense! (lol,great job) :)
Margaret chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
This is packed with action! Please continue!
Suga Bee chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
The only way to trully show how awesome this is is to run around flailing my arms and screaming. :) excuse me as I do such.

Any way! I absolutely LOVE your sense of descriptions, I can't believe how real u made everything, and a lot of the sentences are still echoing in my brain, the pain almost palpable. :) just over all perfect job! You have achieved GOD STATUS!

Sincerely ur loyal and thoroughly hooked reader

Suga Bee

P.S. More more more mmore more more please? :D
lovelessblackinu chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
Please update soon as this story is of to an excellent start.
RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
Well damn. This was amaing! I love it!
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