Reviews for clicking of time
WeasleySeeker chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
So many Amy/Rory feels omg

I don't actually read all that much doctor who fanfic, but reading this I don't really know why, because this is absolutely beautiful! It's so sad that there's like a hole in their life without the doctor, and aww Rory is so adorable.
felines chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
Wow, what a marvelous way to portray my Doctor Who OTP! I love how Rory helps Amy heal after the Doctor's departure/fake death/whatever else you all it. Seriously. All of the tiny nuances in here - how Rory loved the Doctor just as much as Amy, how the blankets are TARDIS blue, how the Doctor is the past and them the future - make it even more marvelous. Great job!
brahdley jims chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
This was so sweet and sad, and I really liked the undertone of hope, because Amy and Rory are right - they can't spend their whole lives wishing the Doctor was with them.

I think you could have put Amy's thoughts in italics, to distinguish between those and the narrative, and with the first sentence, ended it with a full stop rather than an ellipses, for the added dramatic effect (or maybe it's just my biased obsession with starting fics like that, uhm).

Overall, it was short and sweet and AmyRory sdiuhteksdghdkslghd n'aww :3 Nicely done.
cmartlover chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
Well-written! I think you did a great job capturing Amy and Rory's feelings.
HeKillsWithHisSmile chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
Summer, that was beautiful! Just beautiful! Loved it! Very well written. Amazing story. Love Amy/Rory! They're so cute together!


Markie xx
dewdrops and crowns chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
Aww this was really cute, good job Summer!