Reviews for Aphelion
Gammily chapter 5 . 7/20
Omgggg - I love their dynamic!
Dragon Whistler chapter 20 . 7/5
Excellent story. There are so many twists. I enjoyed reading this story. It's been 4 years since it's been updated. I would love to see it taken up again and completed. All the best stories are not completed. It makes me sad.
moodygoody chapter 9 . 2/29
And so absolutely brilliant with timeturners! Unrivalled!
moodygoody chapter 8 . 2/29
This is just great. Intense, realistic in some ways to the point of being painfully true. Some books make you devour them so you can't stop, this one makes me stop too often to my liking, because I need time to calm down. It strikes the nerve so accurately I wouldn't dare imagine. It creates a swirl of emotions and feelings inside my chest that won't dissipate easily. It might be unhealthy, but the baresthesia it creates gives a sensation of being alive and connected to the realm of fiction as if that one was real as well.
RazieLynn chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
I know it's been a long while since you updated, but I still hope your making progress. I really love this story!
rebeccahukel4.12 chapter 15 . 8/15/2019
Jane's Cardboard Cutout Of "SPOCK": Lenard Nemoi Or Zachary Quinto?
tenoh27 chapter 1 . 5/21/2019
This is off to an intriguing start, thank you!
Nan Helgeke chapter 20 . 3/27/2019
If you are still around reading any comments, thank you for that story. I just finished re-reading it in full and enjoyed it as much as on the first time around. Thank you for sharing :)
samantadrusila chapter 20 . 3/6/2019
I know this story is most likely abandoned and that's ok, life and all. I just wanted to let you know that it's really amazing fic. Well written and even better plotted. The last chapter especially, I knew it was coming from the prologue, but I'd never imagine Harry has been under Loki's influence for such a long time. Poor Hermione, the girl is gonna need a lot of therapy in her future. I just read this fic in one sitting and it's been a lot of fun so thank you for writing it.
lexia the beautiful wolf chapter 20 . 8/23/2018
this story has me on the edge of anxiety, it is all so well done out and as each chapter goes by bit by bit we are getting a feel of loki but at the same time looking at it as a silver lining of his overall looking forward for if you ever continue this fanfic its one of my favorite hermione and loki ones so far!
Megan chapter 20 . 8/4/2018
Please update!
Idlewild Isbold chapter 20 . 5/2/2018
Came on back to this story after Infinity War because I needed some Loki in my life. Still absolutely my all-time favorite piece of fanfiction. I hope life is treating you well and that you come back to this story-but that isn't super the point, the point is that I love this story and thank you for writing and sharing it.
HH chapter 8 . 2/9/2018
Yes they were both in character and I loved what you did to the cannon but I still wanted a forehead kiss I was hoping for a hug or a real kiss but I knew that would never happen
As The light Fades chapter 20 . 12/30/2017
I have just absorbed this tale- felt it practically tease at my soul and I am enamoured!
I shall wait the days for when I can hopefully view your ending as intended.
Wishing you well!
Thank you for sharing I love your writing- however some words lack spaces between hem throughout the chapters.
skywiseskychan chapter 20 . 6/12/2017
Oh so very good! But you said it was finished, yet this doesn't seem like an ending. I'm off to your author page to see if there's a follow on fic now. :)
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