Reviews for Natural Adaptation
scifiromance chapter 9 . 6/28/2012
GREAT! I really loved how you wrote the Queen's destruction, I loved that scene in the show. You got the dialogue perfect too, I always forget something, lol. I can't wait for "After the End", I've got you on Author Alert so I'll be here when you post! :)

Thanks for writing! :)

scifiromance chapter 8 . 6/22/2012
Aww, so cute! WELL DONE! :D I liked how you did the scene between the Janeways. :)
scifiromance chapter 7 . 6/21/2012
WELL DONE! :D I particularly liked the Tom/B'Elanna section, very sweet. :) I can't wait to see what you're going to have happen after the events of Endgame are over. :)

Thanks so much for reading Eternity, it's great to hear that you liked it. :)

scifiromance chapter 6 . 6/20/2012
Aww, Chakotay's anxiety at the beginning was so sweet! :) I liked how you rewrote the conversation in Astrometrics too.

WELL DONE on both these chapters! :D Please write more soon!

scifiromance chapter 5 . 6/20/2012
I'm sorry for the late review, my internet wasn't working yesterday. I'm really impressed with this chapter, you must've had to watch "Endgame" repeatedly to get in all those lines. I like how you did Seven's conversation with the Queen and the little addition of Chakotay finding her afterwards.

Thanks for writing! Onto chapter 6! :)

scifiromance chapter 4 . 6/18/2012
I loved how the Admiral appeared in your story, it makes more sense than canon that they at least tried to get through the wormhole. I'm enjoying reading script form too, I'm not very good at that. PLEASE write more SOON! :D

I have put the story on the C/7 community and have promoted it in my latest update of "Perspectives", so hopefully you'll get more reviewers soon, you deserve them! :)

Thanks for writing! :)

scifiromance chapter 3 . 6/16/2012
You wrote this really well, I'm enjoying this story very much! :) Is the wormhole part of the transwarp conduit from "Endgame" or seperate?

Thanks for writing! :D

scifiromance chapter 2 . 6/13/2012
This was so CUTE! :) The dialogue is perfectly in character, WELL DONE! :D PLEASE keep writing!

Thanks for writing! :)

scifiromance chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
Brilliant! :D I loved how you wrote Neelix in a matchmaker role and Seven's dialogue was very in character. :) Please write more soon! I'll put this story on the C/7 community.

Thanks for writing! :D
