Reviews for Saki Fantasy Mahjong
Deliberatee chapter 4 . 7/18
So... we all know Saki is badass but does this mean she's AT LEAST catastrophic-class in terms power? XD
It's an interesting take to the series, and goodness knows we need more fanfics for this universe TToTT
I really hope you continue with this story, and continue writing for Saki ;)
I'm going to drop a follow/favorite for this as well as for you, author so I won't miss anything ;)
Deliberatee chapter 5 . 3/28
Oh come on! You can't just stop here! Granted I know next to nothing about the standard mahjong so I sure as heck am not really following fantasy mahjong but the fact that I want to read more just shows how promising this fic is.

I'm aware it has been 8 years but I really hope you continue this. There's a couple of great Saki fanfics that has just been gathering dust in the fandom, unfortunately TToTT
Deliberatee chapter 3 . 3/28
Lol, smooth Saki, real smooh uwu

I approve! XD
RoseBloodmane chapter 5 . 1/14/2016
Well not bad but the game didn't really feel like mahjong at least not to me, but anyways it was interesting... I felt a little disappointing we didn't get to see what Hisa said to Nodoka, Yuuki, and the rest before she ran off...

Anyways hope you update soon as the story is still interesting...
RoseBloodmane chapter 4 . 1/14/2016
This seems to be more confusing then the regular mahjong in the anime haha no offense none the less. Also Saki seems more retarded in this story then she seemed in the anime or manga that just what i think though. I mean the fact she thinks Nodoka is an illusion is in fact retardation at it's best haha...
RoseBloodmane chapter 3 . 1/14/2016
Well this is pretty interesting...Nice job...
RoseBloodmane chapter 2 . 1/14/2016
Very nicely done... Also it was very entertaining...
Kiukun-Nadralexe chapter 5 . 4/2/2014
Ah I just realized I never reviewed this chapter ... yes finally after five months I remembered that I didn't do it last time. I'm in a Saki period, i'm rereading every Saki fanfiction I have and yours is still one of the best.

What to say about this chapter, it's well written, I didn't see any mistakes. Your development of Saki is well-thought, add a depth not often seen in Saki fanfiction. Not sure I understand every rules of this mahjong yet but I think that's normal at the moment.
Now I'm kinda wondering how you are going to make Saki want to play mahjong. She has deeper issues about mahjong than in the manga, so it could be more difficult to convince her to play again. And I'm quite curious about the stat of Saki, if we are ever going to see them.

Anyway, another very good chapter there and I will wait for the next one whenever it is ready,
robinfyre chapter 5 . 3/31/2014
This is so interesting! Its a really nice take on Mahjong and those illusions/auras that were in the anime. I really look forward to the next chapter! I also like how Saki is so confused, its sad, but also cute! :3
BrackentheInvisible101 chapter 5 . 2/11/2014
Wow, this is definitely an interesting take on the series. Hopefully you'll update soon. I'm curious to see where this goes.
mamita chapter 5 . 1/30/2014
Hello, I liked your fic, hopefully upload soon more chapters, I love Saki, is my favorite, although it's a shame you do not have much role in the anime, he steals everything Nodoka, and I do not see much to Nodoka but hey, no offense, but I also like other girls and couples with Saki, the couple KoromoxSaki, I really like it, keep it up, thanks and kisses.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/20/2013
Love this story :D
Kumi chapter 5 . 12/17/2013
Wahahahaha! Continue this! If you manage to give it a end I'll give you a cookie...Please know I will always be supporting you in this, so keep up the good work! Until next time! Wahaha
Silent Mouse chapter 5 . 11/12/2013
I don't usually review but WOW. This chapter is awesome. You should feel good about yourself. Amateur writing is rarely this good and this is Awesomesause!

First, I loved the contrast that you gave between Nodoka and Saki's opening narration. Nodoka was dismissive of her surrounding. All logic and businesslike. Saki, on the other hand, described her surrounding more metaphorically. 'Like fireflies they were born only to die.' The two povs continued from there. Building and showing a stark contrast to one another. I loved it!

Second, its your Kyoutaro. Most, fanfic writers and even Ritz usually forget his existence. You didn't. He was a vital moving piece throughout this chapter. The bro-like relationship was sooooo evident.

Third, and most important was Saki. She was portrayed wonderfully here. A bit more resolute but I can still recognize the character that I grew to love. In fact, of all the portrayals I have found of Saki. This is my winning favorite. Yes. even more than canon. There is a deliberate soft touch in your Saki and yet despite that there is also a heavy undercurrent. It creates a wonderful and unique pov.

The end though is where most of my praise goes. I know it was coming. Everyone knew it. But, you successfully pulled it anyway! The end gave an enlightenment toward Saki's characterization. It seamlessly blended what we know from canon to create something new. You really went the extra mile and embed, Saki's -0 to herself. Its something like a life philosophy now.

I really look forward to more chapters.
myheartisgray chapter 5 . 11/11/2013
I Love Ya Bro!
Thanks for this wonderful update!

Wow! I gotta love Saki and Nodoka's characters! The way you portray them here just got me thrilling!
Oh and this 'Fantasy' version mahjong of yours is totally cool!

Looking forward for more!
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