Reviews for The Eternal City
sandysan2013 chapter 34 . 8/18/2019
I couldn’t wait! I’m following your most recent posting of this story over on Archive of Our Own, but I couldn’t wait to read the ending. Again! It was lovely. Don’t worry, I’ll read the last chapters over on Archive when they’re post there too.
sandysan2013 chapter 34 . 1/9/2017
This was excellent then and now. One of my all time favorites. Post any and everything. You're amazing!
petuniadoodle chapter 34 . 6/19/2016
This was a lovely story where Ianto got to feel appreciated and loved and Jack got to alleviate some guilt and change the destiny of Torchwood 3. The epilogue is ambiguous. Did the old Jack save the world or Ianto?
Brose1001 chapter 34 . 6/28/2014
OK, been awhile since I read this fic, and I probably already reviewed it, but I can't help myself. I like it so much, absolutely love how Ianto handles 2 Jack's at the same time!
frugglewump chapter 34 . 6/4/2014
This has to be the best written and thought out Jack/Ianto fic that I've seen. I love the characterisation of Jack as the time ripples change his memories.
Siiiiiba chapter 24 . 12/19/2013
Change the rating to M! Ahhh!
Other than that, it's a beautiful story. I love it.
Carpinska chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
Thank you for this wonderful story. I enjoyed your characterization of Ianto and how you had Jack's character change as Ianto and Future Jack's interactions caused the future to change from regretful on Jack's part to still too short a time with Ianto but so much longer a time together than they previously enjoyed. And yeah Steven lives!
Gmariam chapter 34 . 5/13/2013
This was lovely. I was so engrossed the entire time I was reading, I could hardly put it down. I think you had a very beautiful and original idea and did a very good job with it. The idea of a future Jack coming out of the shadows to spend that one week with Ianto is just heartbreaking, and then you threw in all these twists with how they both responded, how Jack-in-Cardiff responded, how the timelines responded. Wonderfully done with the timeline change in particular, both within Jack (the dizzy spells) and with the way his memories changed. It was so subtle and heartwarming to read things like Tosh taking out the 456 on Ianto's idea. If only! And the retcon! I thought you did a great job with their characters, all of them - past Jack, future broken Jack, Ianto, and Owen in particular was brilliant in his few scenes. Some great insight and great bits of dialogue. The end left me so sad, and yet there was a bit of hope there, especially in the epilogue, which was quite clever. Really well done.
Gmariam chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
"Jack? When are you from?" That hooked me. I love that line. "When are you from?" Because Ianto really does have to worry about that, doesn't he? That's why I love this couple - so many possibilities! Good start. :)
JelloStix chapter 5 . 10/9/2012
If the entire point of this fic is to evoke melancholic feelings, then well done, I am feeling suitably melancholy. If it continues like this I may have to stop reading for fear of crying. It is splendidly written though, so that's a plus.
WinterDance chapter 34 . 9/9/2012
This was totally not what I expected - it was ten times better and far more of a character study than I thought it would be. I like the changes in Jack, I think he needed to give Ianto back at least some of what Ianto always gave him. Brilliantly done. :)
WinterDance chapter 33 . 9/9/2012
Wow - just wow. I'd go for something more coherent but my brain just short circuited.
WinterDance chapter 32 . 9/9/2012
Now that takes some nerve. Although I know Ianto won't, he should snort, roll his eyes and tell Jack to get out.
WinterDance chapter 31 . 9/9/2012
And - the clueless, unthinking Jack is back...
WinterDance chapter 30 . 9/9/2012
Best way to go about it - I don't think either one of them really knew how to say good bye
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