Reviews for Everything Changes
SerpensPrincess chapter 1 . 6/13/2018
Absoutely love!
Raven J. Haile chapter 1 . 10/9/2015
I adore your work. Truly I do. This is the second one I've read and I just love reading them. :3
MADStar529 chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
So great!
Shadow Cat17 chapter 1 . 8/26/2013
So cute!
Sessytrancy7 chapter 1 . 2/23/2013
OMGS! This was so adorable! I LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEE that you had them sing One Direction! . My first Troy and Ryan fanfiction! I am so glad this is my first one. . Thanks for writing it! And you write SOO well! . -Sessy- .
Girlygirltu chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
It was good. Didn't see 1 direction coming though
ID Deleted chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
Ummm... it's my first time coming in this fandom and reading a story with a pairing I never imagined of but, your story made it worthwhile. I have to say that it is one of the best written fictions of this pairing in this category and it deserves more readers and reviewers.
*thumbs up* to you, it was a job well done :)
FunPrsnAlity chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
I loved it! xD
myslytherinsoul chapter 1 . 7/30/2012
So this is my first time reading this pairing, and it was great . I figured I would try it cuz I absolutely love Ryan but since I like Gabrielle too I was wary. So thank you for writing a good fic to inspire me to read more of this pairing :)
Armadura Fairy chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
Love it, good alteration of HM2 storyline. I love that you included One Direction's debut single in the last part of the story.
My Solitude chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
This is quite an interesting story. I find it ironic that I just watched the movie on TV today and read this afterwards. XD
xBroken-Glassx chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
Way to kick off the summer! I can't believe you've had this story hidden in your files for so long! It was really good, and it was a relief to see an update from you.

You know, for as long as this is as a single chapter, I think it's very complete and unnecessary to be broken into multiple chapters. Mostly because your writing flowed so well from one break point to the next that it would be disruptive almost if you split them apart into other chapters.

So, here rolls in the praise. I love how you twisted HSM2 into something of your own creation while leaving in parts of the movie that makes the plot more believable. More than once I wasn't sure whether the lines were coming straight from the movie or if it came from your original thoughts. It made it very convincing of maintaining the characters' personalities and what they would do in situations that strayed from the original movie.

The few twists you put in it were amazing. I like how you added scenes of Troy and Ryan's interactions that very easily acted as deleted scenes to the actual movie. It provided support for later scenes of this fic, but didn't detract from movie's conflict either. And of course, the whole ending with Ryan singing instead of Gabriella fit very well as your most significant twist. I was worried as that part was approaching of how you were going to deal with Gabriella coming back, but I think you relieved us all by deleting her from the story entirely at that part. I found a little comic relief at her absence.

Then, as always, you were able to tie the story together very well so that we all feel that conclusive tone. Naturally, I dreaded that part in Introspective, but this story is so complete that this was a good way to end it.

I was going to question why you rated it M, but I answered my own question as I got closer to finishing it. D

Thanks for the terrific read, and I hope you're working hard on that sequel for Introspective! I know better than to chastise, but I will be staring down your profile until I see an update!

And lastly, before I forget, I am happy to hear that Don't Let Me Drown is almost ready for publication! I have my fingers crossed in hopes that you will be very successful - which we all know you are anyway - and I hope that your elevation to being a published author won't mean you will be taken away from our community entirely. I don't think I could handle that. Anyway, I wish you only the best of luck with that while I add this story to my Favorites.
ohwellwhatcanyoudo chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
Oh my gosh *w*

I love this story! I like the way you've taken the plot of HSM2 and changed it in a perfect Tryan style, without altering the characters' personalities, the places and the scenes 3

The story is, like the others, a real masterpiece *w* I read it twice yesterday night because I just adore it too much! Even though the all the story is great, I have three favourite parts:

1. The first part I love so much is where Troy holds a crying Ryan after he has been hurt by Sharpay. It was just so sweet *w*

2. The second scene I really adore is the sex scene. It's not just my OTP having sex- it's the way you've written it that makes me so stunned *o* You haven't written it in a ...wild (?) way, it was a gentle moment between two people that love each other *w* It was so romantic!

3. The third moment I fell in love with, was the last scene. Troy singing to Ryan that he loves the blonde just the way he is and Ryan joining him was a wonderful end! And before that, the moment where Troy assures Ryan that they'll still be together next year, made me cry for the sweetness of Troy's heart because he knows that Ryan is insecure 3

Wonderful, wonderful story! 3

Thanks for writing stories like this, you're amazing 3