Reviews for Kiss Me Alive
800339173 chapter 1 . 10/18/2018
This was absolutely amazing. Amazing writing. The more I read the more impressed I become because I honestly never find writing I enjoy so much as what’s here on the net. I can’t wait to read more and check out your published works as well!
Anushka Somavanshi chapter 1 . 3/1/2018
This was morbidly fascinating
mydearstar chapter 1 . 9/13/2015
Its so scary ,i think.a man who claimed that he loves you,almost kills you only beacuse you cant act the way he wants.
I think most of the time he was hurt beacuse of his own expectaions from expected her to love him and had a awful way to ask it. So i think she had every right to refuse him .
By the way,your stories always make me think for so long and that makes you a wonderful and talented writer! I love your stories. Good job!
xsilver-galaxyx chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
Oh, so sad. I was expecting her to kiss him or say that she couldn't because then she would want more :(
Third-Degree-Kisses chapter 1 . 1/10/2013
AWH NO! I'VE STUMBLED UPON ONE OF YOUR SAD STORIES! Ugh, this whole thing makes me so mad. Just the wrong chain of events. AGH. stupid Christine. Stupid Erik for being so harsh, although he had points. UGH IT'S SO ANGST-Y
Bookworm El V chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
So, finally! :)

First let me say that I love this little story! It's beautiful! (And I'm so amazed about the comparison with Hades and Persephone! No doubt Erik would think of such a thing! (And I love their story, too, by the way.))

Such a sad, powerful and intoxicating story! I found myself sitting on edge and feeling sad for both of them! For Erik, because he doesn't get the love he so wants (and deserves) and for Christine, because she's afraid and alone with her fear and because Erik doesn't make it any easier for her. So now I can simply hope they will find their way together, that love will find a way! :)



(That story is truly inspiring, you know that? May I use that idea of a stolen kiss for a poem, referring to that wonderful story?)
AliceAlix chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Ahh, not much of a reconciliation to hope for, I fear! That's what you get if all you give is a lie - hard to trust you afterward. Lovely story!
Sin of the Fallen chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Oh Erik... You make me want to cry when Crisitine is being so cruel.
Catherine'sAttic chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
I’ve read all of your stories and haven’t had a chance to leave the comments I wanted to until now, so this is going to start out in a general way…

Aside from the beautiful way you weave your stories together, one of the things I like best is how you perceive your Erik to be. I’m pretty fussy about “my Erik’s,” but your stories “bring it” every time. You make him come alive. (I think there can be a lot more wiggle-room writing Christine. I’ve enjoyed all your incarnations of her as well.)

To a certain extent, Erik’s foibles differ at least a little from story to story. (If they didn’t, things would get boring!) But when I read one of your stories I know I won’t be disappointed. You keep the important things about the Erik that stole my heart constant because he’s… well, Erik.

Your portrayal of him in this story is very honest. It’s not the happy ending. It’s raw and it’s real. It hurts. We see into the window of his damaged psyche and feel the pain he feels; the longing and the hope that burns brightly for only a flicker of a moment, and then is dashed. He feels too unworthy of being loved to believe he ever can be. He feels so unworthy he thinks the only chance he has for tenderness is to steal what he wants. The vicious cycle of self-loathing repeats itself, yet your every telling is fresh and unique. I LOVE that!

As a reader I enjoy the stories that put me inside of Erik’s mind and allow me to feel what he feels. Kiss Me Alive allowed me this privilege. I wanted to cry for (or with!) him, hold him; tell him everything will be better. And yes, I wanted to grab Christine by the shoulders and shake her. How can she walk away from him? In other words: Job well done!

Writing is obviously one of your passions and you do it very well. I look forward to your next story and can’t wait to get ahold of your Phantom collection!
Phantom Night Owl chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
This was very angsty, Michelle. Poor Erik. Methinks he tries too hard with Christine sometimes. I didn't care for her much in this fic, but I can understand her hesitation around him; he always seems to lose it when she's near. Maybe he should play hard to get with her! Raoul is a goody-two-shoes compared to our boy, the Phantom. Of course, between the two men, Erik must be the one coming up short in her eyes...the differences between them must be awfully glaring, not to mention all that passion that practically pours off of Erik. Mmmmm...passion! Wait a minute! What the heck is wrong with that girl?
Rose Greenwood chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
Lovely, painful but lovely. I'm glad to finally see a new story of yours. Your writing always makes my day a little better. :)
Phantom Serenity chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
Oh my, so much love for this! I think you could really take this and make a mutli-chapter story! I want more! :)
Mominator124 chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
This one brought me to tears. Poor unhappy Erik, I SO wanted Christine to kiss him, to find that she wasn't as disturbed by his deformity as he believed.

Nice Leroux-like behavior, though. We don't see that often in phanphic and it makes a nice (though heartbreaking) change.

Good job!

I'm not on Facebook. Could you PM me with your website addy? I'd love to buy a copy of your PotO stories.

Venture Wood chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
I love this! I absolutely, LOVE this! It's so poetic! And I love that; I love the way the words fit together; I love the word choice, for certain words make my body shudder with imagery; I love the way you write Erik. I absolutely love this entire story. Are you planning on adding more? Because I would read every word and cry over every syllable, rejoicing in your gift. This is truly remarkable... And yet...

You make it look so easy. You have clearly been working on this talent that you possess for a very long time, and I must commend you on your hard-work, for it has all paid off in its due time.

This is truly a work of art... An inspired work of art that captures the reader's attention and takes them to another world where they /feel/ the characters' pains and angst. Remarkable... Truly remarkable...

Please write more, or I fear I shall die an unfulfilled person!

Venture Wood
PamEargle chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
I was just wondering where you were LOL :-) I was missing your stories.

What a great way to start my weekend, this with watching my LOVE NEVER DIES DVD.

Well written, beautiful and powerful, especially the end.

Your talent has no equal in Phandom.
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