Reviews for The 'Tie' that Binds
Maria chapter 2 . 4/22
Sorry... Taking Care of Callen ...
Maria chapter 2 . 4/22
Love your writing... I wish you would do more...& bloody finish Looking after Callen ...
Harrigan chapter 2 . 9/17/2019
Hi! I'm late to the party but new to NCIS:LA fandom and thrilled to discover some satisfying fic! This really hit the spot!
trscrny chapter 2 . 6/22/2019
Really good story! Liked the humor sprinkled in amongst the more serious events. Nicely done! Thanks for sharing.
orangetails chapter 2 . 11/9/2017
As expected, brilliant story again from you. You have an exceptional talent for ‘getting’ the characters, as well as well thought out plot lines and beautifully written.
I too would have enjoyed a longer version of this, though it is brilliant as it is. I’d love t see it incorporated into an episode!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/9/2016
That was a good story but I wish it was a little longer.
ThoriumIndiumPotassium chapter 2 . 12/30/2015
Great story! Everything was included here: friendship, banter, plot, suspense, and of course hurt/comfort. You did a fantastic job with the characters throughout the story. I didn't feel like anything was out of character, and I could definitely see the banter between Sam and Callen fitting right into the show. You really created the dynamic between Callen and Sam that is seen in the show. Not many writers can do that with the level of accuracy I got in this story. I like that everyone had a part in the story, even though it centered on Sam and Callen. They are definitely my favorite characters but it's great to also see their interactions with other characters. I love the connections you made to scenes in the show, like the suckers on a stakeout and the peanut butter cup scene between Kensi and Deeks. I really like how the challenge between Sam and Callen started out as a means of proving a point, because that is totally something that they would do. I also really liked that something that started out really casual turned into a deep conversation that led to both men knowing the other better, strengthening their bond as partners and as best friends. I was quite intrigued by the story Sam told. At first I didn't really think it would be in Sam's character to join a gang but after re-reading it I figured he would under the circumstances you described. I was really surprised when he brought up his younger brother's death. I never thought about Sam as a brother but it totally makes sense because he's such a brother to Callen. Also the story got me thinking about how Sam would react to Callen's shooting, since it was a drive-by like his brother's. That would be a cool fic; exploring Sam's reaction to that if his brother was killed the same way, especially because he also sees Callen as a brother. I think it was smart to break up the stories that Sam and Callen told because if they both did it at the same time, the story would lose some of its suspense and there is such a thing as too much emotional trauma in a short period of time. It was cool to see the emotions of the story fluctuate back and forth because of that. I love the comment about Callen having batman band-aids. I'm kind of interested in hearing what Kensi wanted to tell Callen. I wasn't really expecting that. I like the way Sam reacted when Callen told his story about the scar. I thought it really portrayed Sam's character that he didn't tell Callen he could stop because he would know that Callen would want to finish what he started. I thought there was a cool parallel in that Sam didn't try to comfort Callen after he told the story just like how they didn't talk about it when Callen first brought up Jason during the counterfeiting case. Lastly, I really like how the title didn't really become clear until the end. I like the play on a common phrase, and it fit really well with the story. Thanks for sharing this! It's a great story
NCISWarriorCats chapter 2 . 2/8/2015
More! More! GREAT story. If there were books of episodes...
witchy78 chapter 2 . 6/11/2014
Loved it ! I love your hurt!Callen and Protective!Sam ;o)
ilsefutbolista chapter 2 . 3/6/2014
This was a very good story. Loved it
Rehabilitated Sith chapter 2 . 11/20/2013
Jasmine-N-Leaves chapter 2 . 10/24/2012
Totally L.O.V.E.D this! Any time Callen gets hurt is always interesting. I like this stories of the two of them. There are not enough of them! Well Done!
Shaz1 chapter 2 . 7/21/2012
Ah that was brilliant- I can't wait for more please!
wotumba1 chapter 2 . 6/29/2012
good story! really love the 'tie' at the end!
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
the situation definitely deteriorated pretty fast i'd say...
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