Reviews for Something to this day
Chapinateapot chapter 21 . 1/2/2015
Loved this story from beginning to end. Something I noted in particular was how you used original characters. Specifically, that you used them very well, avoiding the many ways they are usually handled. As well as how you were able to use antagonists without them becoming one-dimensional villains.
I look forward to reading your other works in this universe. If you ever return to this couple I'd certainly be interested. (I love the pairing and how you write them).
In spite of the long-windedness, I'm not good with words, so I'll just say it's been an amazing journey, both reading the characters and watching your writing improve.

Thank you and very well done.
Vicatron chapter 19 . 12/9/2014
Yes, Epilogue please, or maybe a sequel. Loved it, anyway back to studying for finals.
Vicatron chapter 18 . 10/6/2014
This was nice, had spare time between classes to read this. I can't wait for the last chapter.
Vicatron chapter 17 . 8/15/2014
Yay another chapter, I shall wait eagerly for the next one. Keep up the great work.
Dusk Mind chapter 14 . 1/18/2014
Back when you introduced Surge in the history, it was a scene that would lead most to believe that he was a jerk and you didnt like im. However, you are now proving you know best and that he is indeed a good character. i love this story, and to see that you are indeed not just using him as a stupid-het-demon plot guy makes me happy.

Keep it up.
Dusk Mind chapter 13 . 11/18/2013
Here comes the good stuff! I love the way you bring out the drama in this story, please keep it up!
Dusk Mind chapter 10 . 11/17/2013
Oh God! I loved this chapter more than anything else! This is really growing to be an amzing fic, keep it up.
Dusk Mind chapter 2 . 11/17/2013
Poor Surge... he comes back alive from war and only wants his dream girl to be with him. Shame this is a yuri story... still, good work, hope the guy isnt left alone.
gnurd chapter 2 . 11/14/2013
I gotta say that the previous chapter was much better. The writing didn't seem to flow. Your grammar problems contribute to that, usually by using the wrong preposition, which just makes it sound weird. Finally, use contractions, you seem to avoid using them, and it just adds on to the already bad flow. but the story seems decent, so I'll keep reading.
gnurd chapter 1 . 11/14/2013
I really like your characterization of Sabrina and the other leader's reaction to her. It really seems to fit with her, and you managed to make a person out of her. The same goes for Erika, who could easily become a stereotypical quiet girl.
Noderlol chapter 13 . 11/2/2013
Ah, the climax of a story always leads to such sweet catharsis. So unfair of you to put it on a cliffhanger, then! Hopefully the next chapter is not TOO long in coming, nor will it contain too cruel complications.
chaosrin chapter 12 . 7/14/2013
My bad for the delay in review
typo-'long as he had'
Anyway i'm curious just what her mom does.
The details of Erika's gym is quite good and I really do like her knocking out the pepping tom...wonder if Sabrina will use her abilities if a pokemon or trainers attempting to hurt Erika on her mother nature visit? -if that's going deep into the wild pokemon forests. Oh well more outdoor Sabrina adventures.
Do update in longer lengths though and soon if you can!
pk chapter 12 . 7/13/2013
awesome story please continue.
Spikesagitta chapter 5 . 7/3/2013
What research? What does Sabrina has in mind?
Spikesagitta chapter 4 . 7/3/2013
Her mom is like that? How did she turn out so stonic?
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