Reviews for In the middle of nowhere
MaryChapel chapter 1 . 11/24/2015
I love it! Such and intriguing idea. :) Kudos for writing it down!
Dairi chapter 1 . 10/13/2013
Oh my, excuse me while I do a little sqwee. AH!

This is so awesome I can't even...I love it, love love it. Could totally see it, Sherlock being Chris, an observant eye and the leader, not to mention quick, and John being Vin, the lone sharpshooter. This is so awesome.

Thank you for writing this, I really thoroughly enjoyed it. (If you hadn't noticed. lol)

Would love to see more of it, just them interacting if nothing else, 'cause really not sure who the rest would be in Sherlock-verse. But anyway... Yay! Going in my favs.
jedidah chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
I am so glad I found this. I wish they'd actually do this episode in the show. It would be awesome!