Reviews for Battlestar Galactica:New Beginnings
Calebros chapter 14 . 3/14
"The only reason the Hyades Class became so widespread in the Colonial Fleet and not her sister class, the Hesperides, was that the Hesperides cost half as much as a Hyades"
I think you mixed up the names at the end.
Calebros chapter 7 . 3/13
Nice story so far, but at times you really get lost in the details (like the description of the mobile station). And you at times also repeat yourself, not a lot but it happens.
ReviewerDWJ chapter 13 . 1/4
Okay finish re-reading the rewritten chapters so far and I’m impressed on how improved it is. Sure there are a few confusing things like the times during the 3rd part of the battle of Leonis where it said 2 hours when it was really three. Like the changes and some clarification on what ship is which. One interesting pit is the sudden people with the name Adar. I believe in future chapters, it should address if this people had any kinship with president Adar and if they are having problems because of that. Looking forward to the rest of the rewritten chapters and Three Beast story.

ReviewerDWJ chapter 18 . 1/3
So I forgot to comment on this chapter. I like the whole shadow fleet conspiracy and how Noah was oblivious to it. Only aware of the whole fleet upgrade. I like how Whitehall and the others fool Adar. However I hope in future chapters you address about what a Saturn class Battlestar is. I kind of figure out what some of the other fan Battlestars are. Look forward to the next update.

shdwwlf32 chapter 21 . 12/29/2019
Very happy to check and see the massive update this story had received! Glad you are back to writing on this series; the new Shadow Fleet arc was definitely an interesting twist. Between the additional warships and the survival of more of the Argonauts plus the shipyards should have the Cylons rather upset ;) I look forward to future updates.
H Max Marius chapter 16 . 12/28/2019
I'm sure you've been told this already, but just in case: In this chapter (16) you've switched out Admiral Hilliard (sp?) advisor to President Adar with Admiral Perry (deceased) Commander of the Valiant and the Caprica Defense Fleet. Just in case you wanted to go back and fix it.
Shepard131 chapter 21 . 12/28/2019
great to see this back. are you going to update Wolfpack and lions of leonis too? gonna go read them both again right now.
ECTO-DMC chapter 21 . 12/27/2019
Good work on these last few chapters . Keep up the good work :)
ReviewerDWJ chapter 21 . 12/25/2019
The battle was awesome than I anticipated, plus I like the ingenuity the ghost fleet employed. Blowing up a lookalike of the Forge so the Cylons would stop looking for it. The fact they blow up the only resurrection ship in the area concealed the existence of this ghost fleet was somewhat lucky. I think the Cylons should address the lost of the Resurrection Ship at some point possibly as a reaction to the sudden increase of the Colonial Fleet and the Forge being there. I look forward to the next chapter.

Olaf74 chapter 20 . 12/25/2019
Thank you very much for posting more of one of my favorite BSG-Stories.
WHCnelson chapter 19 . 12/25/2019
More More More More!
ReviewerDWJ chapter 19 . 12/25/2019
Overall a good chapter and a good data sheet at the beginning although there are some errors with in it and few errors in the story here and there. There are three error with then battlestar list.
1. One looks odd as if it was cut off permanently (BSG 50 Nova Uned) at least to me.
2. Repeat use of names like Solaria and Jupiter while the Solaria can be overlooked because both are different classes, however the two Jupiter’s are the same class.
3. There is no Storm or Opus that was mention in Wolfpack or Lions of Leonis unless you plan to recon it one of the other ships.
These chapters were a great to answer questions that form because of chapter 17 all but one. Is the Aquila originally called the Twins? As it was mention in Wolfpack that they were 3 Nemean class mobile dry docks unless you plan to recon that as well. I look forward to the next chapter.

ReviewerDWJ chapter 17 . 12/24/2019
I was surprised to see this update, it has made my day and I look forward to the next two chapters coming. Not surprised you are including something from the Expanse. I have so many questions but I will wait until the next chapters to see if they answer them. I extremely look forward to the next chapter.

HMaxMarius chapter 1 . 8/11/2018
Regarding your comment on 'inertial dampers', it would be my assumption that any vessel large enough to have gravity plating would also automatically have inertial dampers since the gravity field created by that plating would automatically act in that capacity.

Visually, this can be supported by how shock waves from incoming ordinance are shown affecting the crew, since the sudden movement of the gravity plating would tend to have a skewing affect on local gravity, as would sudden or sharp maneuvers.

The only real question then is 'do Raptors have gravity?' Based on the way the passengers are filmed moving around in them while in transit, I would say yes... of course with multiple models of Raptors, it could be argued that only the latest models do.
ECTO-DMC chapter 16 . 8/31/2017
God's I love how you were writing this story it had a very good flow that followed the show values to a tee. Really hope to see this get continued some day if not thanks for what you did, it was a good read.

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