Reviews for What I will be, I was
istina1268 chapter 17 . 3/28/2014
I absolutely LOVE your author's notes here. I would never have let my husband keep me from going into that hotel. I am much too dominant and pushy sometimes. I would have loved all that anti - electronic outdoors stuff, too. I go camping once a cell phones, internet, tv...just campfires, hiking, and whatever other outdoor things are available. It is awesome. I think my husband likes it, I am enjoying this story. I started it because I somehow was reading Gravitation and got lost when Liara was talking about Illiri being just like her Illiri...walking on the beach. So...had to go back and read this for context...makes sense now. You are right about no science in you A/N! I'm a physicist. ..but what I can tell you is that no serious physicist thinks time travel is viable. However... string theory may make it possible for several different universes to exist...and warped space...well...maybe they could intersect each other. But traveling forward or backward in the same dimension...nah.
istina1268 chapter 8 . 3/27/2014
I know this review is late in coming...but I just came across 5 his story. Kinda don't like hating made it necessary. What a bitch.
WildOrchid88 chapter 22 . 10/15/2012
And... finished! Soooo enjoyed this fic, amazing work there. ;)
Also, nice that the AI looked like Benezia. This was far better than the StarBrat one we got in the game. Ugh.

Aw, Shepard passed away in her sleep... I always imagined her dying like this. After all these hard years, she finally slept peacefully. :) (i'll admit though, few tears were shed there)

Have I told you how much I love Teiron Riela? Yes? No? I'll say it again and I don't care if I sound like a broken record. I love her.
And Illira, damn. LOL at her begging Teiron to help her. LOL at her doing a young Aethyta for a while: "I'm gonna kick the blue right off your ass mom". Priceless. XD

Also, never stop writing Teiron. I think i'm starting to fall for her. Kthnxbai. :P
Grace Kay chapter 22 . 9/29/2012
OMG. I love this story. I am only sad that I am now done. But that's what the next one is for, right? ;)
FloridaMagpie chapter 22 . 9/20/2012
What a fantastic piece of work! I really admire the level of imagination and detail you worked into this, and while I didn't always follow some of the details of the plot, the dialog and characterization was so good I barely cared.

I'm also impressed that you avoided the easy and trite solutions to the problems with the plot of the game, and managed to deliver a happy ending that wasn't limited to the hackneyed "and they lived happily ever after..."

There were a few issues here and there. There were a couple of consistent typos (like "bare" when you meant "bear," and suchlike). On a few occasions, the minimalistic description left me confused about what was going on around the characters. And while the epilogue was both very sweet and impressively original, it did leave me a bit confused as to who was what relationship to whom. I couldn't have drawn a family tree for the characters that appeared in there to save my life.

Overall, though, a great piece of work and a noteworthy achievement. I read it nonstop in about six hours, which rarely happens anymore with fanfiction. Excellent job, and I hope to see more from you in the future.
Guest chapter 22 . 8/28/2012
Everything here made me a little sad and happy for Shepard because we all know Shepard is only happy when Liara's safe and happy. The future family's so content and brings out a "aww" smile.
Pi chapter 22 . 8/28/2012
D: This epilogue... It gives me so many warm fuzzies...
If you decide on a sequel, I wouldn't mind you expanding on Liara and Teiron's relationship... Sure, you can do Liara and Shepard, but your OC is just so adorable! I mean, normally I don't like ocs, but with the Mass Effect universe, I make an exception! And yours is likable, to boot!

Although, if you decide on writing about Shepard and Liara, I wouldn't mind, either... I trust you in your idea!

Although a mid-quel, or whatever you call it, that expands on Liara getting all buddy-buddy again with Teiron would be nice, too... She's just so adorable!
Guest chapter 22 . 8/27/2012
Shep died...I knew it would happen since she's human but...TT_TT it still hurts. I guess Liara's happy with Teiron... thats good...If you write a sequel can you do a Illira growing up with Shep and Liara? i could put away the tissues then.
Guest chapter 22 . 8/27/2012
i LOVED this story and i LOVED the ending! i was soo happy for Teiron. Maybe in the future we will see a Liara and Teiron story? We can only hope!
roguegalaxy chapter 22 . 8/27/2012
Hooray for the happy ending!
Steel Dancer chapter 22 . 8/27/2012
I.. wow, just wow.

I made the mistake of having an extended version of "I was lost without you" playing (a coincidence, but a hell of a one) while reading this and I just *broke*. Tissues and tears all over the place.

I've always felt that Liara should be allowed to be happy after Shep as well as with Shep and this captures that perfectly :)

I'm glad no airlock was needed after all ;)
Matahari0711 chapter 22 . 8/27/2012
Thank you for a great ending! Really happy Teiron finally got her girl! :)
Theodur chapter 22 . 8/26/2012
Oh man. That was absolutely awesome. Hell, you're all kinds of awesome. :)

This was pretty much everything I hoped it would be. The beginning kind of made me worried a bit, because at first it made me feel that Teiron was still bitter/lonely/unhappy all those years after, but then when that unnamed bondmate showed up, I was immediately thinking 'oh god, let it be Liara, has to be really!'

And then when she was revealed to be Liara, I had this stupidest grin on my face. :D Very, very happy for them both. Teiron finally got her girl after all, good for her.

I expect I'll be re-reading this ever so often. And certainly hope to see more offerings from you in the future. :)
Guest chapter 21 . 8/24/2012
Wow… this was… unexpected.

The creature thingy is sounds creepy. And hey, Shepard, calling them cowards isn't really fair. I love this twist though, especially with the addition that it was Illira's "sister" that started this ball rolling to save the universe.

And Oh boy… the being admitting to meddling in Liara's relationship feels like there's gonna be another relationship conflict about pushing and moving on and stuff.

Or maybe not… thanks to the light show…

Yay Aethyta! See, this is what should've been demanded by the Normandy crew.

And yes! Reapers go boom! No more Reapers!

Wha? The end? Noooooo! I wanna know what happens next! I mean I guess I can go with the cheesy headcanon of "and Illira grows up with Shepard and Liara happily together." But I'd like to know the epilogue. And elaborate dream new story can be an AU of this fic. I'd read it :-D
Matahari0711 chapter 21 . 8/24/2012
Don't think you can end it like this... O_o
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