Reviews for Mass Effect Trilogy : Pieces Old And New
Mokhalar chapter 104 . 12/28/2019
Just finished this. Overall a really good work. The part in the middle where you jumped around alot was a little frustrating, but other than that the writing is excellent and the pace and story were good. One thing I was not clear on is if liara was joking about a shepard harem or not? Lol. I think that she was, but it's hard to tell because you rarely use descriptors of emotion in your dialogue. If I had one critique for improvement that would be it.
Mokhalar chapter 75 . 12/26/2019
What? So liara cuts shepard out of her life, at a time when shepard really needs support. Oh and dont forget honesty, and trust none of which liara has shared. And because of the blocking of the link shepard is at least somewhat aware that liara has been lying about something. None of this gets resolved before shepard leaves and now its "heart of my heart"? And your explanation is going to be...pregnancy issues? That is just... wow a giant waste of my time.
Mokhalar chapter 69 . 12/26/2019
So I'm trying really hard here to keep up with this story, but EVERY fucking time things get interesting in one part of the story, you jump to a different part. Then you come back and the original piece I was reading has progressed except I didnt get to see what happened leaving me to guess and try to fill in the blanks. Particularly where shep and liara are concerned. It's becoming exasperating.
Mokhalar chapter 49 . 12/17/2019
So I know this is an older work, but if you're still around figured you could use a kudos. Excellent job in everything. Enjoyable story, except one glaring, extremely annoying thing. Why would liara not call shepard by her first name? I think yours is April? Only seen her say it to herself like once. It's a little ridiculous, the only reason they did it in game was so that people could name their characters, but they could still have fluid voice acting. And if you need a lore reason it could be that they were on a military ship and liara was following protocol. But seriously? After 5 years of marriage shes still calling her by her last name? That would disturb me if I was shepard.
Mokhalar chapter 39 . 12/13/2019
Idk what ends up happening later in the story or what not, but a shepard who sits in a cic whilenother people go and fight is not shepard. There are a few traits which, no matter how you rp your character, all shepards have. She leads from the front. She cant sot idly by and tell other people to go die while she cowers in fear somewhere. Regardless of character traits though, a passive shepard makes for a really boring story. A bunch of people sitting around and talking while other people go do the hard work. Not that all talking is boring, but shepard is an action hero. Key word: action.
Mokhalar chapter 11 . 12/8/2019
I dont understand why so many people portray shepard as some fear prone invalid after the war? I get that ptsd would be difficult, but you also have to remember who the character you're talking about is. Across any iteration of shepard that you can play in the games there is ONE constant: the willingness to step up to the plate when it is necessary, and not backing down despite what anyone else might think. This timid, fear prone shepard is so antithetical to the only attribute she unanimously has in the games that it is grating.
LuckyF chapter 91 . 11/15/2017
Why leave him ... How long is it to shoot someone who's on the floor unmoving. BAM! You're done!
LuckyF chapter 33 . 11/11/2017
Good writing. I admit I can't stop reading this story. But I'm at a breaking point ... why are these people so stupid. Shep an Li install some cameras (the generator thing from couple of chapters back). Like wtf. You know there's saboteurs around. Why are they so stupid. And then there's this Peliar person. I know they're indoctrinated but they said to sabotage the whole thing ... so I did. This better make some sense by the end.
PwnerofHeroes chapter 6 . 4/8/2017
great story i was shocked how good it is normally fic's this long have a lot more on their resume so i feared the worst but i was blown away the characters are complex and realistic if ocassionally a little cliche the plot is compelling and it is of the highest quality in spelling and grammar
sherryE chapter 104 . 3/15/2016
Great story. Thanks for sharing your gift.
sherryE chapter 103 . 3/15/2016
Excellent chapter as always. I love the day to day detail of all that happens in this story. You make it easy to picture day to day life in the rebuild of all species involved great stuff
Theodur chapter 104 . 3/6/2016
Congrats on finishing the tale! Quite the monumental achievement! This was a very nice way to finish it off. I think the Citadel plot might have been a bit too subtle for me, so I didn't quite understand what happened there, but it doesn't really matter. :) Once again, congratulations on a job well done!
metaladdict chapter 104 . 3/5/2016
Amazing series man.

I loved what you've done with this fic. I remembering starting this at one point and not finishing it. I'm happy I picked it up again.

I love the aftermath story, and stories like these are why.

I hope you find something else to write about, maybe something that aligns with my interestes. Just incase I'll be following you now :P


Theodur chapter 103 . 3/4/2016
This is a really slow trot to the finish line, isn't it? I don't mind. It's nice to have all threads sorted out.

Shepard's conversation with Hackett felt like a bit of a downer, mind you. It had that feeling of 'hey, even though we haven't solved all the current problems, we haven't really solved anything completely or in long term'. Realistic, I suppose, but depressing. Also, having played the DLC so many times and read a lot of stories in which the Leviathan are featured, to read one that ignores all the canon behind Reaper origins is kinda giving me brain cramps. But it's your choice what to include and what not.

Feron gets a pretty raw deal, but I can't bring myself to be too sympathetic. Let that frog simmer in the delicious stew of his own hatred and self-pity.

Good stuff.
goddragonking chapter 103 . 3/1/2016
great chapter , love the way this story is going, keep up the excellent work! Keep the good writing and hope for more update soon can't wait to read more:)
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