Reviews for Without a Goodbye
39DearMiku chapter 2 . 8/17/2018
I cried... Not because of the story... But because it's uncompleted. T-T
3DPhantom chapter 2 . 11/25/2017
Love it! Can't wait to read more! I really hope you continue this!
ShiningPureLight chapter 2 . 4/1/2017
Yes I love vampire kaito, this fanfiction is so amazing please complete it
somerabidfangirl chapter 2 . 3/8/2016
Kensy Echo chapter 2 . 6/28/2015
Oh, Shimizu-san, you know I don't really like a story about vampire, so when I've read this story's summary the first and several more times, I ignore it. BUT, now, I really don't regret visiting it! It's a really good and heart-breaking story! You give so minimal information about Kaito's past and Conan's life, but I still feel their pain and their strong bond. I nearly cried when I read this ... It's a really beautiful story. You focus on their relationship and left many information unaolved until the end. But the story still really beautiful just like that. And it's so sad that Shinichi still looking for Kaito. I'm afraid that in the end Shinichi has to kill Kaito. But I'm glad that you leave the story just like the first chapter. I think maybe Kaito haa died or just go to other town, and I really want to believe that in the end they will meet each other again ...

Thank you for writing this!

EverThePhantom chapter 1 . 2/28/2015
So sad! I'd love to see a sequel of Shinichi growing up and finding Kaito again.
Moony the Mature One chapter 2 . 10/30/2014
Awww I really hope Kuroba and Kudo met again...they're so sweet together!
IWasNeverReal chapter 2 . 9/21/2014
This is really REALLY good, please write more!
Kiara victory Tatsu chapter 2 . 7/22/2014
I love this. story! I hope yo continue to write it and all your other stories.
farawisa chapter 2 . 3/17/2014
please tell me that there will be more! love it so far. write more soon, please!
Carottal chapter 2 . 10/29/2013
Such an interesting story for it to be a patchwork of one shots. You have good material for creating an awesome multichaptered story you know? A mystery, a quest, define characters... But you're the writer, you decide how you want things to be written and I can understand perfectly if you want to chose this kind of way of talking about your story so that people don't ask for updates or anything. And the good point about doing it this way is that it gives you more freedom on the way you organise your story. Ellipses are easier to do this way and I quite like the way you let us understand what happened between the first and the second oneshot without actually describing it.

Thank you for the two chapters, they rock!
Mizukani chapter 2 . 10/7/2013
Don't know if you're planning on continuing this, but I really like your writing style! Please write more so we can find out if Shinichi finds Kaito!
Grisia chapter 2 . 10/2/2013
... Is this completed? What!? Really!? *pouts* Anyway, welcome back. I've read most of your stories and I never would;ve thought that you would write a Vampire story based of Vassalord (Oh gosh, I so love Vassalord. Did you know there's an OVA?). I always thought that Shinichi would be the vampire while sweet loveable Kaito would be the bubbling cheerful idiotic genius which will chase Shinichi to the ends of the earth. Oh but if Shinichi does turn out to be a person that was saved by a vampire that left abruptly, I too suspect that he would chase after that vampire. Determination, stubborn and persistent *smirks*. Gosh I hope you continue this and not end it with just two chapters! Now you got my imagination running wild, thinking about how Shinichi will hunt down the organization or that he would be turned when he least suspect it. *shrugs* I look forward to more of your works *grins*! Though i must say, I can't seem to find a nice KaiShin these days *teary eyes*
D chapter 2 . 9/30/2013
You are back!I I have miss you so much! You have like a to of stories four us to finish... so i hoe to read you again soon... Welcome back! I am soooooooooooo happy!
Mai-chan63 chapter 2 . 9/30/2013
Yay, you're back! I really missed your stories, you know? And this one particularly TTTT So will there be more? (Not of this only of course, but you're other stories as well?)
Hope to see more
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