Reviews for My Manipulated Misfortune
Guest chapter 13 . 5/4/2018
Who old are Matthew Alfred
I do wonder what the doctor do to make matthew Alfred Arthur fear doctor
What about the vox survivor family number
What about Arthur brother
I do like to see what is like for vox survivor was like befor Ludwig save thame what about any female vox survivor how do Arthur get Alfred Matthew
Was it apoted , froce male pregnancy ,or Arthur Have a wife how give up her child make Arthur a single father
Alfred Matthew are vox survivor as well
Guest chapter 16 . 12/12/2016
Me encanto tu fic, uno de los mejores Germancest que he leido y no solo por el amorio entre hermanos, si no tambien, por la trama que tiene, la forma de como se desarrolla la historia y la de los pacientes. Simplemente magnifico.
Psd: me encanto la idea de Alfred y Matthew niƱos 3 3
Ocupe traductor :0
SuperChocolateLovers chapter 16 . 7/1/2015
I was going to read this for a long time, but I just kept skipping it.
But it was so good, why did I hesitate?
InsanityPop chapter 16 . 6/3/2015
You are so descriptive!
I cried in the end
The yaoi made me fuzzy
Ivan made me laugh
I was very deeply intrigued and did not stop reading it until the very end. Literally was on my phone all day for 2 days other than sleep!
Thank you so much, this being the second time I've read it and it still strikes me just as hard!
Helmaroc-Poop chapter 16 . 5/11/2015
' Staying Awesome Through Nothing' 10/10 Would buy
Litania chapter 16 . 4/3/2015
Wow, this is awesome! My favorite part was when they were escaping from VOX, but I love the happy ending, where everyone is successful, happy, and well. And the epilogue... It's just so heartwarming! I'm a fan of your Hetalia fanfics and I hope to see more of Hetalia fanfics like this!
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 16 . 3/20/2015
'Everybody smile we have lived another day' how very inspiring!
thundersgowild chapter 16 . 1/2/2015
I have to admit, I wasn't sure if I like this fic, mostly because of how much raging I was doing at it the entire time I read it. Mostly at the docs messing with awesomeness that is Prussia. But after finishing reading and knowing the ending, it is one of my favorite fanfictions. It was all well developed and thought out, and it had the feelings on the longest rollercoaster ever known to man kind, I couldn't help but decide this is one of the best fanfics. Thank you for writing this, not only has it made me see how evil people can be, it has also made me see that one person can make all the difference!
Jake Valentine chapter 16 . 12/14/2014
This story is awesome! I couldn't stop reading it since I really wanted to know how all of this will end!
Rose-chan chapter 16 . 10/16/2014
RUSSIA! Poor Russia! He did deserve to become so insane! *sobbing wildly* one of Saddest/Happiest Germancest s that I have read.
SeventhReboot chapter 16 . 7/15/2014
I'm not sure if I have ever read something within the past year that made me shake with anticipation, squeal like a twelve year old girl, and warm my heart as much as this. The topic was initially intriguing, but it melted into something much more than that as the chapters went on. Each character is portrayed beautifully and kept to their traits as they should. Really, it's hard to think of words for this-they would be understatements.

Thank you.
Spitaalinen chapter 10 . 7/2/2014
This chapted made me shake, like that's how you know when the text is good. When you shake like hell and are like "okay, I'll continue living when I've read this to the end"
Dianna Knight chapter 16 . 6/12/2014
Dear author,
You have put me through hell and back on this fic. I cried and laughed and screamed and blushed sooo I literally had all the you for making the end happy(honestly didn't know which way it was gonna go and I got scared lol) you kind person are awesome and talented and I am officially following you now (stalking lol)
Love, you reader
Guest chapter 16 . 6/5/2014
i was fine until the last sentence ! ;_; im crying but its a happy cry
ApparentlyTheOtherNameIsTaken chapter 16 . 5/28/2014
*Is crying with happiness* This has to be one of the best fanfictons I have ever read. It was horrific, scary, tense and at times hilarious. You have unfairly manipulated my feelings throughout 16 chapters but I love you for it. I have really enjoyed your writing style and cannot wait to read more of your work
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