Reviews for Temporary Punishment: Season 8, Episode 1
shruthi06 chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
I just finished season 7 a couple of days ago and I have to say, this was really well written and a great transition from the season finale. I agree with the other hit Dean and Cas's characters really well!

Please write the next episode! Can't wait any longer!
TypicallyDorky chapter 10 . 6/21/2012
I love this. :D I just finished season 7 a few days ago so this is a legit treat to read. And I'm glad Cas is sane again, haha. Keep writing! It's a fantastic story :)
AlxM chapter 11 . 6/6/2012
OMG! Sorry for not reviewing! I loved both chapters. :) Wouldn't it be easier for Sam to leave the turducken people? LMFAOO! You're an awesome writer. Oh man, Crowwley! I thought he was going to save Sam's ass but I'm guessing that's totally out of his character. LOL!
AlxM chapter 9 . 5/29/2012
AWESOME CHAPTERS! I think you're giving us a really good idea of how the season's first episode is going to be like. If you can, after this one's finished, do you think you could try writing episode 2? :D You're really good at this.
Aya Salim chapter 9 . 5/28/2012
Waiting on nails, don't let us wait! I'm already and addict ! Poor Dean, though! Wonder what's going on with him .. voices, dark pain *Sniff*, we'll see ;))
Aya Salim chapter 8 . 5/28/2012
I found this by chance, but I'm glad I did. I mean, meanwhile we're dying to know what will happen, how Dean will get out! Reading this, made me wonder, would this be kinda spoiler? Your imagination and conclusions are excellent, and the way you put it in scenes, pretty smart! I'm just afraid of one thing, what if this be TOO similar to the real one? Oh, uh .. It's great for you, that your imagination level could've reached you to give us such feeling ;) Great job, dude! Really, loved every scene and the part of the phone call .. the way Sam feels without Dean ad they way Dean doesn't trust enough that his brother is capable of getting him out! SIGHH.. one thing doesn't make sense to me, didn't Crawly take Kevin? He snapped his fingers and his demon took Kevin with him as far as I can remember, or I was too caught about what had just happened to Dean and didn't notice? lol .. How Susan got him? After all, you're an amazing writer , keep the good work up ;)
VeronicaMorrow chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
Hey, nice story. I've just come to Fan Fiction because I got a really good idea for season 8 and was bored and I'm too busy to do fan fiction myself working on my M.A. in Literature in London.

Few things first: Sam's plan is flawed because all leviathans know his face, remember? From being inside Castiel.

Also, Sam has been desperately trying toprove himself to his brother and Dean knows it. Please don't put these old thoughts in Dean's head from pre season 6 re: not trusting Sam! The show has grown past that relationship.

Anyways, consider my idea of having Crowley as the main evil in Season 8 because Crowley exploits Heaven with Heaven having no angels to guard it (or few). Crowley knew how valuable purgatory was, consider how valuable he must think Heaven is (and we've seen with Heaven's weapons that it is). Also consider what happens to an angel when they die, we've already seen that "grace" can be separated from an angel. Perhaps when an angel dies, their grace goes somewhere (maybe they even become reborn as humans, but probably not) and that grace is in a stash somewhere in Heaven and Crowley knows this. With Heaven's guard down, Crowley finds a way into this stash and begins to use angel grace to turn demons into Demon/Angel super powered hybrids.

Thus the prime evil of Seaosn 8 is born, Crowley is the leader, and demon/angel hybrids are the common enemy. We've also never seen Crowley's eyes, so this is a good chance to do something unique/awesome re: angel grace.

Because of this, Heaven is losing "power" and people's Heaven fantasies are failing, and as a result people in Heaven are losing it and chaos is happening... people heaven's are spilling into other heavens, and Ash, being the genius heaven hacker that he is, will help the boys (visit Heaven in a few chapters/episodes) with his immense knowledge he must have gained over the last few years understanding angel speak and being a l33t heaven hacker.

With the loss of Heaven's power, humans that die are ALL going to Hell and Crowley's power is growing IMMENSE as a result. Dean and Sam must stop the world from all going to Hell with eternal torment where Crowley has infinite power and there is NO heaven!

This idea is great I think because the best part of Supernatural has always been that each season the prime threat gets worse. But I feel like after season 5 it hasn't. That's why I find my idea great, because it sounds worse than a freaking apocalypse! Everyone in Hell? Eternal torment forever? No Heaven?

Then consider introducing the Seraphim and Metatron (I've been theorizing/wishing for Metatrons return for ages, long before he was mentioned) as the way to save the situation, a deus ex machima, if you will. Seraphim should be really fun to explore, as they are more powerful than arch angels. Arch angels can't even look at a seraphim.

Using my ideas you can bring back any character you want because you have purgatory and heaven at your disposal! Fun fun fun.

I'd also like the idea of John Winchester's fate being explored since he wasn't in Heaven, and Ash will know why with his years of knowledge over the past few years from Heaven. I also like the idea of John being a badass "I am Legend" like character that all the monsters fear in Purgatory some how.

Anyways, feel free to use any of this cos I don't have the time and I think you have the skill to make these ideas really fun to read! Enjoy and either way, good luck, keep writing.
La-p'tite-tete chapter 9 . 5/28/2012
Dean is SO lucky to have Cass back to normal.

Just saying.

Still amazing
Meggin Lane chapter 8 . 5/28/2012
I love the idea of mixing holy water with the borax solution!

And I like the format of shorter chapters. It does seem more like scenes on a TV show that way.
Hundley chapter 8 . 5/28/2012
"I want pickles." That's so funny. Sam's plan remains really...uh, 'incomplete' maybe is the right word. How does he think that's going to work? Seriously. He's in a cellar with a girl that wants pickles, without weapons, and nothing more. Dean would have a fit...and probably go along with it.

You've really hit Dean and Cas' characters really well, and poor Sam seems to be just winging it.

Nice couple of chapters. I don't mind the length at all.
murphy9202 chapter 8 . 5/28/2012
Really enjoyed the last two chapters. Update soon.
La-p'tite-tete chapter 8 . 5/28/2012
If there are ghosts in Purgatory, does that mean that Bobby is there? Or Mary? Or are those ghosts only those who were burnt-and-salted and therefore unwilling to leave on their own?

I was thinking that Dean and Cass could run into monsters the brothers had ganked themselves, including the ones that weren't totally bad, such as Sam's friend Amy (although Dean killed her, so it could be awkward), or the werewolf girl from season 2 ("Heart"), or even Jack from early season 4…

Hey, I just thought… if demons go to Purgatory… how happy would Dean be to see Azazel again? XD
3DBABE1999 chapter 8 . 5/28/2012
WOW! Liking this story so far..KEEP GOING!..

Can't wait to
itscalledkarma chapter 8 . 5/27/2012
Great chapters, love how everything is flowing so smoothly;it feels like I'm watching tv. Please update soon I'm so hooked!
Hundley chapter 6 . 5/27/2012
Some very good angles on the possibilities put on the table by Dean being in Purgatory and Sam topside and alone. It seems to me Cas will have to have powers, since Dean went to Purgatory with seemingly no weapons. Although I am never happy when the super-powered angel always saves the day, I see no other way for the story to go. In your case, it worked very well, because of the multi-dimensions you have set forth for Purgatory. Good job.
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