Reviews for Sober, With Love
Elizazile chapter 5 . 11/21/2014
I really liked this story, and I thought it was amazing, but the ending was a bit anticlimatic and it didn't really thoroughly explain the italicized bits at the beginning of each chapter. I'm a little confused about it, although I know all too well that sometimes we ("we" being us writers) leave parts unexplained with the intention of the reader coming to their own conclusions. I'm sure there could also be a multitude of other reasons possible for a curious ending such as this one. Out of curiousity, was there something preventing you from fully explaining it? I only ask because I noticed that the epilogue was significantly shorter than all the other chapters. I also know, however, that could just be because it IS the epilogue.

Other than that, I really liked it. The character development was beautiful, and the intense, raw emotions were wonderfully invoked. It was incredibly realistic and terribly truthful to the realities of addiction, and to the inner workings of a drug addict's mind. The downward spiral of Harry and Draco was furthermore enticing for its realistically spin on fictional characters.

I commend you on a job well done, and regret that this was both the end of your story, and also the only work you've published thus far.

Elizazile, or as I'm known as my other account: LuckyTurtle
bloodedlife94 chapter 5 . 10/31/2014
i really liked the story, but just not the ending. It seemed rushed.
great concept with the potion-drugs. first time i have ever read of that :)
Kitty Savella chapter 5 . 2/10/2014
This didn't end at all how I thought it would, but the story was still good.
Dreamer2289 chapter 5 . 1/6/2014
This is the second time I've read your fic and I just had to send you a quick message to tell you how much I love love love it! It is amazing in every way possible, I like how it's really fast-paced and they aren't overly lovey dovey with each other, you should definitely write more Darry fics! I'm totally surprised that you don't have more review etc, like what the hell?! People need to get reading this pronto, it's a little gem :) Thanks for sharing, much appreciated x
Bri chapter 5 . 6/14/2013
I actually really enjoyed this, but I'm still amazed how realistic it seems. If the whole V
hiyapapaya chapter 5 . 5/10/2013
that was a great story, i'm glad i read it! :3
fkmylf chapter 5 . 3/24/2013
I love your story so much. I can't wait to read more from you. I hope you'll write a squeal! All the characters were perfect and I love the way you handle addiction. All the lies you tell yourself when your in the mist of it. Absolutely loved it.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/21/2013
I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Your story! :) Please say you are writing another one?! Yours is the best I have read! I hate it when they are overly lovey dovey! You did every character perfectly! Get back to me and let me know please! Thanks x
SincerelyYourSecret chapter 5 . 11/20/2012
Wow that was intense, like at first I was like what exactly is going on but then I got into it and man this was amazing! Deffinetly a new favorite :)
AlwaysSlytherin chapter 5 . 11/18/2012
Wow. Just wow. I loved it! It was dark and realistic and sexy and (slightly) adorable (and fuzzy in parts).
I love your interpretation of Blaise. And Draco. But mostly Blaise. Blaise is now officially one of my favorite Slytherins!

And, this story, is most DEFINITELY going on my favorites list.
Keep up the good work!
trueheartlove chapter 5 . 11/12/2012
Wow, simply amazing. I would love to read more stories from you.
Mayleena chapter 5 . 11/11/2012
Pretty dark...but I LOVE IT! Congratulations!
R'khu chapter 5 . 10/10/2012
I love it with all my heart, is perfect, sexy, decadent and deliciously agonizing.
is all I can ask, I have long wanted something.
well I love this trio, the dracoharry is my addiction (especially harry below) and I always attracts blaiseharry.

Thanks for writing this story is completely fabulous.
LeontinaStardust chapter 1 . 10/5/2012
I have read this story before on LJ, but I have just re-read it as I absolutley loved it the first time I read it. Second time it was even better; it continues to be powerful, paced perfectly and so realistic. You can feel the emotions of the characters (who were spot on, by the way.) It's a dark topic to write about, but you managed to keep it gritty but with some light in it too so it wasn't overbearing.
callmecahliste chapter 5 . 8/4/2012
How the frak does this not have more reviews? It's brilliant!

I just finished the entire thing in one sitting, and I loved EVERYTHING. Every sentence structure, every sex scene, every beautifully punctuated phrase, every slight change in the story. Everything - every single part of it - was like a work of art.

And then there's shit like Master of the Universe that got published. I mean, really. Good lord.

This is an INCREDIBLE story. I love it. ALL OF IT. The end, especially, was masterful. I love how you didn't give it a happy ending, yet there was still a possibility of them recovering and getting healthy lives. That's actually a very hard thing to do - strike a perfect balance between the two. It was MASTERFUL.

Also, no spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. None. I mean, even in the best stories, there are one or two, but here? None.

Actually, before I saw this one, I had given up hope. There were so many fanfics that made me wince and then there's this haven of amazing plotting and good story writing and just general awesomeness.

If I continued this review, it would just be me fangirling over how frakking incredible this story is. It's beautiful. And you're beautiful. And amazing. And a very good writer.

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