Reviews for Parting Shot
PrincessMagic chapter 5 . 4/29
ha aw this is great and i love Molly!
kor.op chapter 25 . 4/11
oh my God! This story is amazing! The plot, don't start me with this like oh my God! I don't know where you got the idea from, but this just awesome! I just couldn't wrap my head around it. you're an amazing writer. The way you ride it just drew me in and it spoke to me. I really really really really love it! Keep doing you boo! create more story ! it made my day and I'm sure you're writing me most people day! It makes me smile it makes me laugh it makes me cry! so don't stop writing you got a good talent in you! love you
EarthyBendy chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
fucking hell
MotherAiya chapter 15 . 2/2/2017
Her friendship with Pepper is amazing, oh my god. I'm so mad at myself for glancing at your fic for months and not giving it a try. Looks like 3am Aiya has better decision making skills lol. I'm loving this so much
Luise.Mau chapter 25 . 12/26/2016
Amazing story! Really loved Molly, going to read the sequels right now!
Adela chapter 25 . 12/15/2016
Love it and the cut sence
Queen-of-Ice101 chapter 25 . 12/14/2016
That was the best cutscene ever! So looking forward to going through the sequel_
Goddess-of-the-Moon-39 chapter 1 . 11/25/2016
Wait, so this is the end for Clint and Molly? She doesn't eventually remember him and they get back together? Please say it isn't true! Because if it is I am going to cry, it is so sad.
zanagisa chapter 24 . 10/27/2016
Thank you for posting this story, I really enjoyed it! I will be checking out the sequel for sure.
IceDragoness1 chapter 23 . 10/11/2016
That was rather heart breaking at the end. I love having a well written Clint/OC story, they're so rare. The characters were so well done, you captured Tony and Bruce nearly perfectly.

One thing that stood out, and its a peeve of mine, is that Steve's last name is Rogers, not Rodgers. I noticed it throughout the story and it was a little distracting.

Other than another few very minor spelling errors, its so, so well written. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel.
Lizverse chapter 24 . 10/3/2016
I didn't review last chapter, but it was fantastic! I think I've mentioned this before, but Parting Shot is my absolute favorite Clint/OC story, and I can't be happier about how you've continued to develop it. I'm very much looking forward to both sequels! This first chapter of Second Wind has me very excited. Also, you are a boss at naming your stories! Seriously, the titles are so clever.
Adela chapter 24 . 10/3/2016
Love it
Queen-of-Ice101 chapter 1 . 9/28/2016
Amazing story. There are very few ClintxOC stories out there and when I found this one I was really excited, hoping it would be a well done story. I was not disappointed.

The characters had depth, the interactions were believable, there was enough romantic tension in the story to satisfy any of your readers that are hopel so romantics without causing readers like myself to quit the story out of irritation, and the plotline was well written and wasn't filled with holes.

Really loved this story and I'm highly looking forward to your sequel!
Anonymous chapter 23 . 9/28/2016
Wow! I am blown away by this fanfic. Everything made perfect sense at the end, the characters were beautiful, and it was generally just one of the most spectacular stories I've ever read!
There aren't a lot of super great Clint x OC stories out there but this is definitely one of the best. I'll be checking out the sequel in the near future.
Keep up the good writing! :-)
Evenstar gal chapter 23 . 9/27/2016
What the hell, that was amazing. I read this all
In one sitting. I need a sequel because you just ship wrecked my heart :-( and moved me to tears. I don't think I've ever been so emotionally moved by a story before and that makes you an incredible author. I could only hope to ever write something half way decent. There's not a lot of great HawkeyeXOc stories. This takes the cake. How did this not make it up there with the thousand plus review section. This is a great fanfic. Way too underrated. Keep going with writing!
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