Reviews for All Or Nothing
BlairAndChuckGG chapter 8 . 10/26/2013
This is an amazing piece of work! I love the descriptive parts, there is just enough of everything! It's also a great length but I wish there was more, although it's a good place to stop. It's also realistic and I just love it. x
CDH chapter 3 . 1/16/2013
Wow, this is golden. Your writing is amazing. Snaps for you!
Melanie chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
Hey, read on your twitter about you being annoyed about nonsense anon reviews on the 5th and since I, and one o my friends as well, left some reviews then/around then I thought you may be referring to those(Both of us don't have ff accounts so we could not sign in, but if u can/don't mind please reply in the author notes, will consider an ff account if u generally dislike answering anything in author notes). The reviews were left under Melanie/Laney and also a review, and question i think, on Absolution and All or Nothing recently regarding a deeper exploration on that subject regarding all the rubbish in the DB arc.
M chapter 6 . 1/5/2013
Am very interested in a one shot but mre than anything a theme within a multi chapter S6 story about Chucks anger, incredulity and posessiveness coming out towards S5 Blair and how she was first with "Louis "hundreds of times" which made me incredulous and disgusted at the writers and then disgusted infinite times more at her having sex with Dan Humphrey.. in alley ways, elevators, letting him maul her, manipulate her throughout, treat her as a sex object, savor and enjoy her pain and fears, her isolation/isolating her, her absolutely brain dead, being manipulated and not seeing anything, her pathetic behaviour, being NOTHING like the Blair of S1/2... and doing what she did to Chuck, who said I cannot stand the thought of you with anyone else, thinking she can walk all over him... All this goes along with my review on Absolution about a in depth, detailed exploration of this.

I, to be clear, do not buy the Blair or even the Dan of S5 for a nano second but I ADORE Blair Waldorf of S1 and 2 and I need release from what they did and how they wasted Blair and EL for S5 and throughout the sick Dan arc, starting S4. I feel if you give it thought you could do it justice. I think MANY people need that release after a season of CRAP from sickening writers. And seeing they were the same writers S6 we did not get any well written resolve on these HUGE, GLARING issues.
M chapter 8 . 1/3/2013
I VERY STRONGLY think u should continue this from here, so many details, so much potential. Please write a LONG post s6 story
Mel chapter 6 . 1/3/2013
The questions the press asked were perfect. And most of all that scene where Chuck is drunk is so interesting and SO so perfect- he doesnt want anyone but her and is extremely sweet and has a extremely pure heart and a wonderful personality but he IS Chuck Bass, he is extremely good looking, has an INCREDIBLE personality and heart, is extremely intelligent, he does very much have this vastly sexually experienced part of his personality, he has been w hundreds of beautiful girls, is incredible in bed and he does very much have a crude, rough side to his personality and loves her violently, girls are crazy about him and throw themselves at him and would KILL to be in Blairs position, but the problem is he is incredibly in love with Blair and doesnt want anyone else - I love many of these points being mentioned SO much- Blair is INCREDIBLY lucky to have him, and the fact that he is so completely physically attracted to Blair, thinks no one compares on the physical level as well, is so so scarcely explored properly.. that what IS it about Blair that is so unique and so so beautiful to him. I would loveee to see this explored LOTS more.
Also, I REALLY hope that anger he has w Blair and pain he has in that scene is addressed in future chaters.

SOO many thoughts. Would be interested in ur take.
Em chapter 3 . 1/3/2013
I want to see more of CRAZY about Chuck Blair, the Blair in S2 that these writers cant touch bcs they r so horrible. The Blair who does not give a DAMN or have ONE PERCENT of interest in anyone compared to Chuck Bass, make that 000.1%. The girl who at 18 was so crazy about him she ran after him and said she would stand by him through anything.
E Z chapter 2 . 1/3/2013
Huh... not completely directed at you but Dan Humphrey is FILTH. First he does not have the ability to comrehend a PERCENT of Blair Waldorf, he does not or will ever know her, or Chuck. I dont buy the trash in S4 or 5 for a second but the way they wrote him he manipulated her in the filthiest way every second of the way, treated her like she was a toy and had THE FURTHEST thing from her well being in mind. The ENTIRE SL was COMPLETELY contrived, they destroyed Blairs character for it, she would not do an iota of that garbage. Id be interested in ur thoughts on this...
Moustache98 chapter 8 . 12/26/2012
Wow, it was gorgeous and beautiful and a perfect different ending to the flawless chairytale.
And I also loved the Nate/Blair interaction, just saying. 3
UnScrambled chapter 8 . 10/23/2012
trulyimproud chapter 8 . 9/30/2012
I liked that Chuck and Blair were together in the morning and how you incorporated the DH drama into the story. It was great to have Nate and Blair share a special moment and with him delivering Chuck's beautiful gift to her. The vows were perfect, nearly made me tear up, just gorgeous. Serena and Blair little talk was also nice. Thank you for your story and this wonderful, happy final chapter.
fanny0997 chapter 8 . 9/29/2012
Dr. Holland chapter 8 . 9/28/2012
What a lovely, fitting ending to your fic! I loved this wonderful dose of fluff. From their morning conversation to Chuck's gift, to their VOWS (!) to the limo, each and every moment was perfect. Can't wait to read what you have for us next!
BekaRoo chapter 8 . 9/28/2012
I love this chapter and this fic... I wish we got to see a glimpse of their future and what Chuck did not Dan and Georgina.
wrighthangal chapter 8 . 9/28/2012
*squeeing*...This was so beautiful, the setting, the vows...Just Chuck and Blair.
I truely enjoyed the journey from satrt to finish with this couple. This shows that true love can overcome just about anything and make you stronger than before.

Great story.
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