Reviews for A Real Man Wears Hello Kitty Underwear!
markregieyahoo chapter 3 . 1/7/2016
hai musta kana po ha naga po ha bakin namn ha iikaw yum naga po ha bakin namn ha ..
This account is dead mothatruc chapter 3 . 6/16/2013
Well, I just lost about 45 brain cells reading this...I regret nothing!

Moooooore...noooow o.e
SernaJ chapter 3 . 4/25/2013
I want moooreee... O...O ...give me MOOOREEE...DAAAAA... oJO
Guest chapter 3 . 12/11/2012
Maya Gordelia chapter 3 . 7/7/2012
1st chapter:
mmm... swiss ass... XD
2nd chapter:
lawl! lili would be the one to make a full outfit of hello kitty to vash!
haha YAY! more nude switzy! XD lili must be scarred... first her bro, then china in a closet...
3rd chapter:
lili... you're starting to scare me... more than estonia does... lol belarus likes hello kitty XD and russia! wearing a hello kitty shirt! AWESOME XD
AwesomeHellee9 chapter 3 . 7/6/2012
WAH Lil is scary She is awesome :D
Pimp with a chain chapter 3 . 6/8/2012
That was both down right scary and funny at the same time... I like it! So this was from the infomous Ayumi Kudou? I heard of her before I think you'll find her many Liechtenstein fabrics.
InsanityAintOptional chapter 3 . 6/8/2012
DUDE. MAKE MORE PLEEEEEAAAAASSSEEEE! This was so freaking hilarious!
Ayumi Kudou chapter 3 . 6/8/2012
You have no idea how much I want a account so badly. My Mom don't want me to have one, because 'alot of peole have commited a lot of crime with accounts' or 'I don't want you talking to strangers online'. I really want one so bad and sadly not all of fans can't make their ideas come true. I really want to write my own fanfic so bad and the I might write are may have yaoi in them. I have these funny ideas like The Bad Touch Trio doing the Team Rocket intro theme or England and America dong a Pinky and Brain referance.

I think on the next chapter Switzerland wakes up to find Liechtenstein feeding 'what used to China's, but now her' panada. Switzerland asked what happened and where on earth did she get the panada from. She only gave him a dark scary response that that Hello Kitty is banned form there place. He agreed, because 1) Hello Kitty is his offical fear, 2) He needs to stop influnceing her to like he, because now he sees her dark side when she's agery that it even scares him and 3) At least Liechtenstein has a 'free' pet that he needs to spend 'money on'. The next day Vash heads to another world meeting to find China and Poland absent for reason. He decides to get back at Spain for starting the incident by taking his pants off. He finds out that Antonio wears 'Dora the Explorer' boxers that were given by Belgium(Romano gave her that idea). Switzerland finds out that he and Spain have something in commoman; they can't refuse to take gifts form someone means to them(even it's the most girlyest gifts they get).

Longest review I ever given you.
Ayumi Kudou chapter 2 . 5/20/2012
OH MY GOSH! I never thought that you were going to use my idea. XD! Poor Liechtenstein tramatized. I thought of a bad encounter with the Bad Touch Trio would scare her. Liechtenstein if I were you I would call Russia over and have him take China before Switzerland wakes up. The there's one other thing I like to say I hate the new review button. I have to click it like 20 times until the review screen shows up. That's all.
Ayumi Kudou chapter 1 . 5/15/2012
That was funny! Now you should hve Poland try to steal Switzerland's pink pajamas. Or have Poland and China stalk Liechtenstein until she makes them pink pajamas and Hello Kitty boxers.