Reviews for Appreciate
Enchantix6789 chapter 1 . 11/20/2017
Hi! I read this a couple of months ago and forgot to review! Anyway, this was so sad, a great story, but sad. Don't get me wrong though, I loved this! I was trying hard not to cry while reading this... I failed. Thanks for the story!
clj7 chapter 1 . 12/31/2015
Xxxx4evaSummerxxxx chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
Awww, this is so sad and beautfiul. I luv ur sad song-fics
make-love-happen chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
Omigosh, I can't even describe how much this story did to me. I haven't lost someone, but this is so amazing, I litteraly had tears in my eyes. Amazing, you're such a great writer. Thank you so so much. xoxoxo
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
DoubleBubble249 chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
OMG im crying right now! i must go tell my dad that i love him
Ninja kitten chapter 1 . 5/17/2012
Oh my God! So freaking sad! Oh hell, my throat is closing up...bout to choke on my rock at fanfics! So sad... :'(
NZGirl25 chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
Wow. I can't fault this, it was beautiful. Great job :)
rin.-.114smile chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
Omg! So sad I almost cried, and I'm not one to cry over a story, video, movie, etc. You are the best author ever! This reminds me of my grandmother who died recently and my dog who also died recently.
sshaw101 chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
That. Was. Beautiful. I listened to the song and LOVED IT! I cried the whole entire time reading this. Every single time, and I mean EVERY time my mom's family has a funeral, it rains (or snows in the winter). Like you said it goes with the mood. I loved every single word so much! There was just so much emotion in it and very well written! I loved the parts with Jade, the parts with Cat and even the little parts with Grace! Loved it loved it loved it!
sagaeharuki chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
Wow, that's so sad!
alwaysthinking101 chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
omg that was soooo sad :( reminds me of something that happened here over the weekend :'( super sad!
redvelvet chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
i love it! :D
cardboardstories chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
aww.. that was so sad.. (

i feel so sorry for jade and cat.. anyway your story is awesome!
Running Spirit chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
This made me cry! I just recently, 2 weeks ago, lost my grandmother. Great story
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