Reviews for Shift
electric gurrl chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
This was pretty.
Suilven chapter 1 . 5/13/2012
"He curls up at the base of the console and mourns alone, a single living ghost in the machine.

"They are gone, Jeff," EDI tells him, needlessly.

They are gone. And he is left, broken and drifting.

Wait... Jeff?

His head swims, all the pain and fear of the second death of the Normandy crashing over him.

"I have control," EDI assures him, the last words he hears as he lets his eyes slip closed, trusting her."

Love this whole last bit. Joker is one of my favorite characters (okay, they pretty much all are) but his rapport with EDI is just awesome.
Ellenka chapter 1 . 5/13/2012
Oh my, the beginning was pure... gold! :P

and I kinda can't help saying "The THG parallels, so many of them!"

and excellent & intense writing, as always :)