Reviews for Four Times Dr Reid Used Geographic Profiling
Freddie4153 chapter 1 . 7/27
I love the Ocean's Eleven twist!

I can just imagine people around the world wondering how all these places have been uncovered/discovered and ask the FBI to look into it and all discover the same description of a brown-haired man near all these sights and pulling their hair out trying to figure out who it is and Spencer just dying off the side trying to keep quiet!
Loved it!
With Pen and Paper chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
You should write a story about Spencer’s Eleven, I would so read it! Your writing is incredible!
E. J. Morgan chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
He's really a genius. :D I can totally believe he'd do this and wouldn't let anyone know. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
This was really good! I really enjoy the look into a cooler Spencer.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/27/2016
Awesome fic! I could totally see Reid finding mysterious lost money and such in his free time, just for fun.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22/2016
Your creative writing is AWESOME! Thanks for posting.
Jayne chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
lol i loved it was awesome maybe enough to see a sequel/additional one shots? :) cant wait to read more
Guest chapter 1 . 11/13/2014
Soooooo good.
Annber03 chapter 1 . 7/13/2014
Ahahahaha, that ending made me laugh out loud :D. I still have yet to see 'Ocean's Eleven' (...yeah, I know, I know)-if it'd been called 'Spencer's Eleven' instead, I suspect I would've seen that movie a LOT sooner!

Ooooooh, this was fantastic. First off, I love the listing of the other team members' perceptions about what geographical profiling entails. Hotch and Rossi's in particular made me laugh, and Emily's made me go, "Aw...". The idea of officers keeping copies of his maps after cases amuses me, too (and yet, I sit here thinking, "Hey, that's not a bad idea...I'd take one!"). And I love that for Reid, doing the Fibonacci sequence would've been considered "kindergartener's work" (every time I see that scene from "Masterpiece", all I find myself thinking is that I wish Reid had been my math teacher/tutor in school :p).

But of course, Reid always welcomes a challenge to help keep his brain busy, so I can totally understand him wanting to explore some of the greatest unsolved mysteries out there. I love the choices of mysteries you pick-a couple I'm familiar with (the gold mine and the plane mystery), the others I'm not, and now you have me wanting to read up on those unfamiliar ones further myself! I can definitely see Reid being absolutely fascinated by stories like these-not just for his profiling skills, but because he would be the sort to read up on historical events (look at all the historic cases he's familiar with on the show, ones that happened well before he was even born), and the different time periods would appeal to and allow him to use his knowledge of his old-fashioned quirks and interests in many ways, and there are crimes worth trying to solve in there as well-even if the participants are likely long dead. I love the way you show exactly how Reid would figure out all these scenarios, the areas he would laser in on and study. The thing about him getting such easy access to photos thanks to his work with NASA and the DOD was cool, too.

And then the best part of all...that he would actually go to those places! I kept smiling and laughing at the images of random people coming across him and being all surprised to see him wandering about. The one with him on the mule happily waving to the one guy before wandering off in particular made me laugh. Not even fazed about being seen (and of COURSE he would go exploring those dangerous mountains, or wandering a dark forest. He would relish jumping right into the fray and danger). I actually honestly would not be at all surprised to find out this is what Reid does in his spare time. It just all makes so much *sense*.

My absolute favorite thing about this story, though? How he doesn't take any credit for his discoveries or keep the treasures/money he comes across. Staying in the shadows, donating money and artifacts to a museum...and giving a huge donation to Bennington, ensuring his mom was set for life (let out a big ol', "Awwwwwww!" at that one, I did)...god, you nailed his character so perfectly with all of that. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to hear of him doing any of that, either. In every way possible, he always uses his brilliance for good, and that's no exception here. And it makes me love him even more :).

Wonderful, very creative, and fun story! An excellent "what if?" scenario about our beloved genius.
1sunfun chapter 1 . 5/22/2014
fishtrek chapter 1 . 2/15/2014
This is by far one of my favorites. I found it last year, before I joined fan fiction. Much thought and research must have gone into this story. Thanks.
Frakking Toasters chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
OMG this is absolutely brilliant! Pure, stunning brilliance!

You know, the show really frustrates me at times because Reid's brilliance is showcased on so few occasions. His IQ is off the charts, and in reality, this would make him an invaluable asset. He would outthink everyone around him by miles. It "should" be so obvious. His mind would put things together so fast and see things that others just wouldn't. That's not to say that the rest of the team isn't required. Of course not. All I mean is that there should be a vast difference between Spencer and the others. And yet, as the show has progressed, we see no such thing. Only Reid reciting facts that his team/family mock him for and are clearly uninterested in. He rarely adds anything to the investigations above and beyond what anyone else adds. If anything, Garcia is the one usually solving the cases and they seem to go out of their way to put Reid in his place.

That's perhaps a harsh summation, but I don't believe it's completely inaccurate. I don't know if you ever watched Numbers, but at least the genius in that show was the genius. Every episode we got to see how his unique genius specifically contributed to solving the case. With CM, it's so focused on the ensemble cast that Reid may as well not be a genius at all. And I find that a real shame because that's what makes his character so wonderful and special and unique, along with his character traits and quirks so perfectly brought to life by MGG. (I didn't like Numbers nearly as much btw, but it's a good comparison.)

All I can say is thank God for fanfic and such amazing writers like you. This is a fantastic story and I can't help but love thinking about Spencer having this secret life outside of the BAU. I've always felt that they've underestimated him and that perhaps there was a lot more to him than anyone ever knew. Or that could be too much fic reading lol! But I really do LOVE that idea. And I equally love the idea of his BAU team one day finding out that the Spencer Reid that they babied and mocked and underestimated isn't who they thought he was at all. :-)

To sum up, I LOVED IT! xo
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
Okay, this is awesome. How come this fic is a year old and has only a handful of reviews?
MCat04 chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
You've done an awesome work.
Robyn S. Mockingbird chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
Somehow that doesn't really surprise me. An awesome fic, I just wish there were more like it.
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