Reviews for Legacy
ProfessorSquirrell chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
I love this! I feel like this should be a prologue for a Lily/Scorpius fic or something. You should totally continue it! I love the bit about how there's not much Lily could do that hadn't been done before but then she does. I also really like the first person with Scorpius too. I really got into his character and this was so well done and grabbed my attention. Nice job!
wild-and-whirling-words chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
This is an interesting take on the next-gen kids and I like that the legacy thing is so ingrained - it all flows so nicely but has a little twist to it that I liked from the comparison. I liked your reference to the other children and then the particular attention to Lily and Scorpius. The spark of romance was nice but not overdone and the whole thing was understated but by no means any less good so good job :)
autumn midnights chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
I like this! Scorpius/Lily is an awesome pairing, first of all, and I love how you've characterized them here. The next generation would have a lot to live up to, you're right, so that's extremely realistic. This was very well-written, also, and I didn't notice any spelling or grammar mistakes except for 'parent's' instead of 'parents''. Slytherin!Lily is completely amazing, and I fully support that also, so I was glad to see that as well. I like the theme of the legacy throughout the fic, and it really tied the whole thing together. Nice job :)
Mr Bellatrix Lestrange chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
The last line was really lovely, it wrapped the piece at the end that kept the same "legacy" theme and I really enjoyed that part. The general storyline was a nice idea. I don't see why Lily would be in the papers, but the really distracting parts were the errors. "Parents legacy" should be "parents' legacy." Other things were missing/adding an extra word like "it can be a legacy can seep down," or "she didn't to be in the ultimate House..." I would re-read it to weed out the errors, besides that.
reminiscent-afterthought chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
Aww, how sweet. You are mincing words a bit in the first paragraph, but it's still sweet. Perhaps writing it a little more concisely would improve it though.

Teddy Lupin wanted to also. - wanted? I thought he has a legacy from his parents...there's an idea. Thanks. Anyway, it somewhat dims the effect of his parents' deaths and all they did in their lifetime if you say "wanted."

I can see why Lily doesn't want to be stuck in Harry's legacy. That's a painful one. And this is a pairing; I always see Scorpius with Rose. I love Scorpius' little POV as well, and how he's trying to escape the legacy shoved on him. I'd think it's more Grampa Malfoy than Papa Malfoy...but they're as much a victim to it than anyone else i suppose.

And especially love the ending. Nice job.
MoonyandProngs chapter 1 . 5/16/2012
That was really good!
FlamingMooseNinjaOfEpicness chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
This was great, I really liked it. You illustrated Scorpius' POV very nicely. You stuck with the challenge that was given, and didn't go off-topic at all.

You incorporated Scorpius/Lily very nicely. It wasn't over-the-top, and didn't completely focus on the romance itself, but how it had to do with him not living up to the legacy set by Draco and his actions at the second Wizarding War.

I never really thought of their relationship like that, like a way to spite their parents and any preset ideas people had of them. And while their relationship was that, it was also based off of love as well. I don't think that I've ever heard of a relationship like that before, and the way you wrote about it was so real and believable, so kudos to you. (Sorry if that didn't make any sense, I didn't get enough sleep last night :/)

Great job, and good luck in the competition.