Reviews for Departure
Prim chapter 6 . 6/20/2015
I'm so glad you updated ! As you can see, I'm still there and still enjoying your story immensely. This chapter was no exception :)
Prim chapter 5 . 5/9/2015
It's always a pleasure to read this story, even though you'll probably never finish it ( and that's okay, I'm not trying to pressure you into anything). I just love the way you picture their relationship, so complicated and so dangerous. And I also love the love that bond them even though it shouldn't. Red John isn't the big bad wolf in this story, and that's what I like: yes, he's a serial killer but he's also a tortured man with his own feelings and you brought a lot of consistency to the man so I'm very glad this story exists and yes I do hope it will get updated ( one can hope, right ?).
Thanks for sharing this with us
Prim, xxx
Guest chapter 2 . 11/16/2014
Sick relationship...cant read...I thought maybe Teresa was playing RJ to help Jane but this story is twisted
loveconquersallxxx chapter 5 . 12/2/2013
So, I read this chapter while I was on Skype with you the other night and never reviewed! Oops! Well, I am reviewing now and that is all that matters.

Okay, let me be perfectly honest with you: I LOVED IT. But I also sort of know what's coming since you asked me a question about this story just the other night. However, I enjoyed this thoroughly. It was definitely a calm before the storm kind of a chapter, in my opinion. I loved how it was cutesy and he just wanted to be with her during this. However, you could tell that there was some lingering tension between the two characters that just couldn't be shaken.

In every story you write, you've always been good at leaving the tension between characters and helping the audience see that. Which is not a skill many writers can truly master. In all honesty, I have loved this story since you began to write it. I also love that you've started to update it again now that you have more time to do so.

This was definitely a surprise and a treat to read. Since I kind of know what will happen next, I am not going to say anything! However, I definitely want to see where you will end up taking this in the long run! I am so excited!

Can't wait for the next chapter! So cute!

Kris. 3
LetMeWalkTheEarthWithYou chapter 5 . 11/30/2013
Wow, that's awesome, I'm really looking forward to read more!
margaritta chapter 5 . 11/30/2013
Seriously now, I nearly squealed when I saw there was a new chapter for this! This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite stories here, because it makes me feel a bit less lonely and weird (for "shipping" these two - well, not shipping, but at least for finding the pairing interesting). Honestly, I love the fluffiness of this but also how you don't make it all lovey-dovey all the time... Especially this chapter was amazing - there's so much cuteness but at the same time there's that underlying danger and slight creepiness of their situation (which comes forth when he mentions killing, their future together etc) that makes this so fascinating to read.
And the last few paragraphs from RJ's POV, I simply loved them. He really is conflicted, isn't he? It's amazing that, while he does love her, he doesn't delude himself (and of course, neither does she). And the part with him thinking about killing her in the early stages of their relationship, it was so chilling and made this all the more believable for me.
Well, this review is getting a bit long (sorry if it got a bit boring...) so, once again, I seriously love this story (it's kinda like my guilty pleasure...*grins*). And it makes me feel *almost* normal for liking and writing such things as well xD
So, all in all, great work.
tromana chapter 4 . 3/19/2013
Hee. I completely forgot you had updated this until I was checking for the fic you were talking about on twitter on here. Gosh, I missed this story. Only you can write the lighter side of Lisbon/Red John and make me like it. :D
JulietKoike chapter 4 . 1/29/2013
So great! xD I love it! I can't wait for the other chapter, I am a Jisbon fan, but the idea for Red Joh and Lisbon drives me crazy! :D
loveconquersallxxx chapter 4 . 1/14/2013
Okay Amber, you know how much I love this story. I loved that you included strawberries in the mix and of course, I love the dirtyness of this piece. I also do appreciate that they know how to resolve their issues and talk through it. Instead of fighting.
It was interesting to me that you include Walter Mashburn into this. Because if something was wrong between them, it would make total sense that she would fall into Mashburn's arms. Plus, it sticks to canon, which I like.
Of course Red John/Ross would order room service for them, but you can definitely tell when he gets annoyed when people interrupt. His muttering tells me a lot. That he has a short temper, which I expect. He is a serial killer after all. Also keeping from Lisbon that he's Red John? Makes sense. You don't want to scare her away and you certainly don't want to be arrested by the one person you love the most. Sounds strangely similar to something else, doesn't it Amber? ;)
Regardless, I love this story and you know that! Update soon or whenever you feel like it!

Kris! :)
Loes-chan chapter 4 . 1/14/2013
Will Jane find out? And what would he do?
TheBrokenHeartedLamb chapter 3 . 8/30/2012
Oh my goodness. I never thought about Red John/Lisbon pairing. I love it. I like the Idea of Red John falling in love, I believe that anyone can fall in love even crasy, heartless killers like him. I hop you update soon.
JulietKoike chapter 3 . 8/26/2012
hhahahahaha I want more :D it's very funny! :D
margaritta chapter 3 . 8/9/2012
This story is so awesome! I'm dying for Teresa/RJ, and my firends call me weird / crazy / mental / insane and whatever else you can imagine. But I'm happy I've found someone who likes the pairing as well -and writes it. Admittedly, I would have never thought fluf between a serial killer and an heroine/agent possible, but you've managed to make it really believable. I really like this story, I hope you continue it!
watchyouwalk chapter 3 . 6/4/2012
The history of palm trees. Only you! ;)

I think I'm going to enjoy this Floridian vacation. :D
SteeleSimz chapter 3 . 6/1/2012
I can say without a doubt that this is becoming one of my favorite stories of yours. I can't wait to see what else you have in mind. As always I'm looking forward to updates from you.
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