Reviews for The Escapists
RoryFaller chapter 25 . 12/10/2012
I do not like facial hair, but rugged Gale is an awesome sounding idea ;-)

I'm glad you are keeping this going.

Hawtsee chapter 25 . 12/10/2012
Gale is the perfect boyfriend. Seriously, I love him.
hawthornie chapter 25 . 12/10/2012
awwww loved it 3
RoryFaller chapter 24 . 11/2/2012
So glad you are still working on this. At least you don't have the usual jealous/spiteful Katniss, which is nice.

I loved the fluffy little kissing, which unfortunately Katniss interrupted. Grrr ;-)

Send me a PM if you want to brainstorm.

FirePearl97 chapter 24 . 11/2/2012
I really love your story! You are an amazing author, I've just spent the past few hours reading this entire thing, I just couldn't put it down! Hope you can update soon!:)
Ninavs2 chapter 24 . 11/1/2012
Oh so sad! I can't wait for Peeta to be back! Please update soon!
Hawtsee chapter 24 . 11/1/2012
I loved this chapter. The sweet moment between Gale and Madge was lovely, and I loved the moment between Madge and Katniss too, and how wonderful Madge was with Katniss.
Nina chapter 24 . 11/1/2012
I'm a huge fan of this chapter. Madge and Katniss friendship moments ftw! Thank you so much for that!
Azura Blue chapter 24 . 11/1/2012
Okay. I am falling in love with this story. You're doing a really amazing story. Looking forward to your update! :)
Nina chapter 23 . 10/18/2012
I actually love this story and am eager to see it continue. You asked what we would like to see Madge endure. If that was an honest question then my answer is nothing really. Frankly there is nothing I hate more in fics than suddenly Katniss is painted as a bitch trying to destroy her two only friends' relationship. Personally I do love Katniss/Madge friendship scenes (I was thrilled in CF when Katniss took Madge to the woods for example). So I'd rather see some of that: I guess Gale will be absorbed really quickly into the whole rebellion machinery (as was the case in Mockingjay) which makes me think that Katniss could really need a friend right now even if she isn't much for talking, Madge will surely sense her distress concerning Peeta, something that in the actual book Katniss was hardly able to express (except on rare occasions to Prim and Finnick but certainly not to Gale). Plus Madge must be able to empathize to a degree since the Capitol killed her parents. I also think that Madge is very astute and will certainly realise what they are doing making Katniss the symbol of the rebellion – who dead and a martyr could be worth to Coin (as Katniss herself has suspected). I think there's an idea there that Madge will surely try to make Gale see that Coin and the whole lot are not all that. I'm also sure that's something he might not want to see (at first), which could cause the temporary conflict you are looking for. But those are just my thoughts...
Nina chapter 17 . 10/17/2012
I like your story but this chapter broke my heart a little. Madge and Katniss fighting always makes me sad. If it was any other girl, I could see Katniss being angry but Madge is her friend and I think Katniss would direct her displeasure at Gale rather than Madge. Just my thoughts.
RoryFaller chapter 23 . 9/25/2012
Yay, for Madge and Gale sort of getting Haymitch's blessing... in his way ;-D

Boo for them having to be separated. Darn that Katniss. Why is everything about her! She needs to toughen up ;-) This better not cause issues with them.

ambergiraffe chapter 23 . 9/24/2012
I'm loving this story!
Hawtsee chapter 23 . 9/24/2012
Nice moment between Madge and Haymitch.
Belle453 chapter 23 . 9/24/2012
I don't think I've ever reviewed your story before but I've been following it from the beginning and I love it. I can't wait for more...I've been waiting for a story of Gale/Madge in D13 and in love. Update soon!
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