Reviews for Constantly
Guest chapter 41 . 5/19
You did nOT just go there
Dorian chapter 101 . 5/11
I don't know how to cope with finishing the wonderful fic, but ily author! You touched my heart!
CrumbleCookie chapter 101 . 7/1/2018
Absolutely loved this story, one of the cutest things that I have ever had the pleasure to read
eagleowlfez chapter 101 . 1/17/2017
This has been one of my favorite stories to read. Thank you so much for writing it so beautifully!
Guest chapter 3 . 1/2/2017
hell needn't be capitalized.
foreboding has an e. fore- such as forward, or in this case i believe preceding. not for-, such as in forbidden.
'wondering at' no. that does not work, just no. wondering about works. or the normal phrase, pointing and staring; remove the wonder. but wondering at is a phrase that neither sounds good nor fits here, i'm certain.
...i'm not going to repeat this as many times as it appears, but hell needn't be capitalized.
dialed has one l, though this is at least forgivable.
'eh?" the officer' put a space between the quotation mark and 'the'.
the ways of getting attention are getting ridiculous.
blackberry has 2 rs, and should be capitalized.
should be ds lestrade here, you seem to have forgotten he wasn't a detective inspector yet.
again, whose is the possessive. who's is who is.
'clearly' to 'business', that phrase does not flow well.
mycroft does not mind that lestrade talks to sherlock sometimes(that is in fact ridiculous)!
relationship, not relation, dependin on what you meant. maybe i'm wrong.
oh for goodness' sake, no. i can read no further. i'll send this and be through.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/2/2017
i think there should be some punctuation after that first 'consciousness'. a semicolon would work well.
warranted, with an a. only 1 e.
no comma between 'if not' and 'quietly'. it looks weird.
add commas around this phrase: "mostly because Sherlock had made it a point not to" comma on both ends of that.
heavenward does not need to be capitalized.
pleasant has 1 e, and it isn't there.
i think that you should substitute 'next to him' for 'when with him', it sounds better.
cigarette, not cigaratte. you have gotten that right before.
hell does not need to be capitalized.
obscenities. with an i. it doesn't have the word obscene in it... unless you remove a few letters.
withhold has 2 hs. they are adjacent, not in the same place.
"a space of" that doesn't sound good. make it "the space of".
embarrassing has 2 rs. you wrote it with 1.
whose, not who's. 'who's' is an abbreviation of who is, and you wanted the possessive.
again, surveillance. 2 ls.
stomach doesn't have an e.
description has an e there, not an i.
once more, acquaintance is a noun. this is not one of those cases where it works as an adjective, and it's spelled acquaintance, with an e, anyways. you mean acquaint.
i do really like your stories but i would also like to do away with my headache so if someone could get on that.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/2/2017
intoxicants, you missed an i.
surveillance has 2 ls.
acquaintance is neither spelled nor used like that. acquaintance is a noun, you want the verb, which is acquaint. though some people like to use nouns as adjectives, in this case it seems unsightly.
what i found in the area i can see while still in view of this text box.
"spoke in inner turmoil" makes no sense. perhaps you meant "spoke of inner turmoil"? the phrasing in that paagraph is pretty generally clumsy, really.
civilian, not civilan. 3 is, 8 letters.
"seemed, annoyed?" i don't think a comma works there. maybe ellipsis, though i may be biased. possibly a semicolon.
also, i'm not sure, but are you supposed to capitalize 'british government'? i know you capitalize 'british' ordinarily, but... eh. i'm uncertain.
AutumnLeaves chapter 101 . 11/12/2016
This story is so amazing! So many thanks for writing and sharing!
It's wonderful how you managed to involve so many things ... - even Sherrinford. Totally suprised me and loved it! Great! :D
The slown-building changes in relationships are so believable... Also, there were so many funny lines and moments in there that I completely lost track!
Many many thanks !
Pheeby chapter 38 . 1/13/2016
Hm, and earlier Greg was thinking that before Alex he had just one drunken encounter with man, how he would have been ex-lover of York? Hope there is an answer.
AHAHSHSDHIS chapter 9 . 9/21/2015
The story is intresting ,i like how u write. But the thing that annoys me the most is ur charters,they are ooc.I tryed not to be bothered about it but i cant! When all i think is: They are way smarter than that! He wouldnt act like that! Or Sherlock would figure that out ages ago! Anyway ur writing is good just maybe next time u could research more about the charaters u write.
AccountKiller95 chapter 101 . 8/2/2015
OMG! Love your fic ! It's so good I just wanted to continue reading... constantly ;)
HPMARIE chapter 101 . 6/15/2015
Best. Story. Ever.
EspirituDelMar chapter 101 . 4/3/2015
Best. Fic. EVER. Deserves more reviews, it does
Knyle Borealis chapter 101 . 12/3/2014
I think I'm in love. I don't know if it's with you or this fic or these characters, but I'm definitely head over heels right now. Thank you so much. AMAZING. I appreciate these characters so much more now. John has always been my favorite, but Lestrade may now be tied. A close second, at the very least. And the rest of them...just perfect.
Knyle Borealis chapter 63 . 12/1/2014
Oh, yay yay yay yay!
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