Reviews for New Arrival: A Forever Destined Vignette
Guest chapter 3 . 1/31
I am sorry to be a pest but I still can't find the m rated versions anywhere.
Bradley Cude chapter 3 . 1/13/2014
Luke's decision to make Hunter's middle name "Riley" indicates that the tension between the Skywalkers and Riley Zander is officially over. (Yeah, they accepted him a while back, but the only clue of it was Padme's name change.)

Good riddance, Callista.
Bradley Cude chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Anakin's promise to Padme can be found in Forever Destined: Winter Festival. This is the culmination of that promise.

With this, Anakin sends out some messages.

To Ruwee: Sucks to be you. Ruwee took possession of the Winama estate before Padme could. Since Anakin had Padme sign the deed, that ownership is thus REVOKED.

To Palo: Sucks to be YOU. Due to Padme's past (which Palo is VERY much a part of), domestic violence (and its victims) became the cause that Padme championed the most. Anakin, the kids, and his family had always supported her as best they could.

To Mon Mothma: EAT IT. When Mothma was elected Chancellor, she revoked Padme's regular working schedule out of spite. This gave Padme less time to do what she wanted to (e.g. volunteer at domestic violence shelters). Now Padme has one of her own.

To Padme: I LOVE YOU. Renaming the Winama Estate the "ANGEL Center" is a callout to Anakin's nickname for Padme, which he uses more than her real name.
Marijke S Bush chapter 3 . 7/17/2012
hurry it up with the next Forever Destined Vignette.
Marijke S Bush chapter 3 . 7/15/2012
Darn it Lilac Moon what's the name of the Next Forever Destined Vignette?
Marijke S Bush chapter 3 . 7/8/2012
Dang it Lilac Moon, When is the next Forever Destined Vignette.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/3/2012
When is the next forever destined vignette
garnetred chapter 3 . 6/23/2012
Excellent story.
garnetred chapter 2 . 6/23/2012
Excellent chapter.
sexystarwarslover chapter 3 . 6/20/2012
*sniffs* aw I was sad to know this was the last chapter but it had so much in there and so many beautiful, heartwarming scenes not to mention a few witty hilarious scenes. Luke’s gonna be a wonderful father and what an adorable name and he gave Hunter his grandfather’s name as a middle name aw! Didn’t expect the news about Ethan and Steph, they’ve become good friends with the family, congrats! They’re all going to love this baby and this was such an adorable story and I enjoyed reading all three chapters and CANNOT wait for the next awesome story in this FANTASTIC series! :)
AvatarAmidala1985 chapter 3 . 6/19/2012
This little fic was so cute, Baby Hunter is so adorable, he is going to be spoiled by the Skywalker family I know it. I am happy for Ethan and Steph too. I can't wait for what you come up with next.
Harry2 chapter 3 . 6/19/2012
Its good to see that Luke is being a good father. I suspect that his soon, no matter where as a Jedi he might be, will be a strong one.
Jedi Angel001 chapter 3 . 6/19/2012
Being a fan since the very beginning when you started this journey, you are by far the most gifted writer, that I have the pleasure to read your stories. I just love all of your stories,this ongoing story is my favorite. Looking forward to your next vignette of my favorite family.
Hannah Jane chapter 3 . 6/19/2012
Awww such a sweet part. It was great, I can't wait to read your next Vig Andrea. It's probably going to be great though!

ptitemel38 chapter 2 . 6/7/2012
I so love your story, I can't wait for the new baby, wonder how Luke will call him...
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