Reviews for Synchronous
Guest chapter 25 . 1/3/2019
sorry for that last comment I'm just so hurt right now, it was good writing
Guest chapter 25 . 1/3/2019
fuck you
LunarisDraconis chapter 25 . 7/30/2016
im crying my eyes out this was so sad.. I cant stop crying..
Eraoi chapter 25 . 7/24/2016
OMG!I love you work so much!
Could you please let me translate your story into Chinese so more people can enjoy it?
Anyway,thank you for bringing us such wonderful work.
Kittenlzlz chapter 25 . 4/30/2016
halfway through the last chapter I started crying, and I can't stop. because he said goodbye and then he began fading away and I don't even... somehow it really hurts to see the love and happiness they had for such a small time disappear. I love your writing, and I love the plot, and clay and Desmond, but oh god you tore my heart apart.
Antaria chapter 22 . 12/24/2015
Hi I read this story way back when revelations came out and was browsing tumblr recently (on THAT day) and this one post had a link to your profile and I ended up binge reading until 6 am and I reached this chapter (22) and I don't want to read further cause I know what happens and because of sleep depravity I got too emotional and remembered my first time and got even more emotional and I just really love this story and 16/17 deserved better in game.
ResidentOwl chapter 25 . 11/28/2015
I swear... fuck... so tragic. That was a horrible, heart wrenching ending, how could you do that!? Usually I'm not a big fan of Clay, because he was a tragic crazy asshole-ish character in Revelations that was too cryptic for his own good, but, damn it, you made me fall in love with him and all his flaws, then you had to have it end so horribly for him and Desmond! How could you!

And then you had Desmond and Clay suffer from the bleeding effect and comfort each other, and it was adorable and awkward and everything they needed to get better. I thought it was going to have a happy ending, healing each other, living life to the best they can in their broken states, and I completely forgot about the world ending. Damn it. You gave me so much hope for such tragically broken characters. You made me cry when I realized that the Connor scene was actually Desmond who was bleeding so severely that he was forgot everything and couldn't differentiate between himself and his ancestor.

I really wanted a happy ending, or at least a neutral one. I loved how you portrayed the characters. Bill Miles was such a sinister character with his silver tongue and ruthless attitude toward using people like tools, even his own son. Lucy, Shaun and Rebecca were spot on with their behavior and attitude. God, this was awesome. I love how you wrote Desmond and Clay and their evolving relationship, which was had a slow-burn in some places and became so passionate and spontaneous at other times. And in the end, their positions were switched from the beginning with Desmond having no hope and being trapped in the animus and Clay trying to bring him back, or waiting until they could be together again.

I could so see a sequel to this where Desmond finds the fragments that Clay left behind in the Animus and slowly finding his way back to reality with the fragment's help. But the way this story ended was perfectly heart-wrenching and beautifully brief. It's human nature to always yearn for a continuation.

I loved this. It was a brilliant piece of fanfiction, the story telling was amazing, sending the reader on a roller-coaster of emotion. You really made me root for Clay and Desmond. The syntax and diction of the paragraphs was just enough to feel the sharp bite of emotion and set the scene without the sentences becoming cluttered and over-wrought.

I loved this. It was beautiful. Thanks for writing.
gallimahie chapter 25 . 11/3/2015
your fiction is AMAZING !
je l'adoore et je l'ai beaucoup aimé, la fin est triste mais inéluctalbe :'(
merci pour cette merveille

a french reader ;)
AnonPerson chapter 25 . 4/9/2015
Okay, I fucking ADORE your writing style. The bickering that goes on between the two and the occasional cheesy moment that fanfics write USUALLY have me bashing my head against a wall because they're so fucking cheesy and annoying. But yours- fucking made me grin like an idiot. I've reread this bloody fanfic 20 times over and goddammit the feels are just as strong as the first time. I both fucking adore you and hate you becausE WHY THE FUCK DID IT HAVE TO END THERE DAMMIT I'M DYING HERE IF YOU HEARD THE NOISE I MADE WHEN I READ "END" I SOUNDED LIKE A FUCKING WHALE MAN THAT'S NOT COOL DUDE.
But seriously. OH god that was amazing. Thank you.
Akila-Delpanther-Draconan chapter 25 . 3/12/2015
oh my god this was ... im ... jesus im in tears wow this is beautiful its just beautiful and that line that last line god damn ripped my heart out wow one of the best stories i have ever read thank you for this just thank you. im torn between wanting a sequel (if there is one) and not because one might break my heart. are you going to write any more clayxdesmond? please do this is beautiful
Why chapter 25 . 9/11/2014
I've been sitting here for about an hour or so reading this story and now I am feeling some serious feels. Shit. What now?
Atlantima chapter 25 . 8/4/2014
afgdhdks the feels

the final chapter has some typos though

_Altanta_ Den - Atlanta
without _angr_ - anger
more shelter and warm meals than he _head_ -had
Desmond _spend_ his hours - spent
about _the_ save the world - about to
hours he hasn't _spend_ - spent
Atlantima chapter 5 . 8/3/2014
I really like how you described the combat gameplay in a cool in-universe way XD
Atlantima chapter 2 . 8/3/2014
wow, desmond sleeping UNDER the sheets? this is one crazy alternate universe

but seriously this story is good
Poof chapter 15 . 1/22/2014
Please please write more clayxdes fics I beg you. Your the only person that gives them any justice. I hope you write others :) much love 3
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