Reviews for Over the Abyss
Guest chapter 7 . 1/17/2014
Yay! :)
WWerner chapter 6 . 11/13/2012
I really like your story;
please, please continiue soon!
ProllyASociopath chapter 6 . 10/22/2012
Creepy kid.
Ah... to actually have people want to attend book signings.
I'm so in the wrong profession... kind of...
I'm a severely underpaid admin. assistant.
I write and have not published a thing.
Unless you count the slight exposure of the college newspaper where I used my poetry to fill up empty space.
Ah, the life of a newspaper editor... pulling stuff out just in time for deadline.

Let's see. Writer's block... kind of.
You're having the same issue I am with my current fanfiction of choice (not even typed yet, but well over 20,000 words at this point).

You know where you want to go.
It is likely a delicious piece of literary meat (juicy, tender, and just a tad bit gamey) that causes the inside of your stomach to fall while the outside jumps and tries to devour your heart.
You're currently at point E, but you need to go through F, G, H, I, and J before getting to the good part.
It's dull.
And you need to weave enough into the story to interest you. Because if even the writer isn't interested, why the hell should the reader be interested?

Try jumping to G or H and back track. It might help.
ProllyASociopath chapter 3 . 10/22/2012
Damn it Sherlock. This is why you need a partner!
I think I must have been a general/commander in a past life.
I read things like this and demand "Where's your backup? Are you stupid?"
Of course, it may just be the author's curse. You know, directing your characters around like soldiers and having to deal with developing personalities.
Chess has nothing compared to human manipulation.
Prothoe chapter 6 . 10/16/2012
First reaction: so glad that you (and your muse;)) are back!
Second reaction: 6000 words?! Well, not that I'm complaining;)

I really appreciate that John is still a strong character in your story and not a sobbing and helpless mess (though the cane does tell us something about his psychological condition...)
You even manage to put in some humour in here, e.g. with those cardboard cutouts or this wonderful interaction with Mrs. Hudson.

And Ronald Adair? Nice touch!
power0girl chapter 6 . 10/11/2012
Oh wow, I love this fic, so glad to see you back!

Nos chapter 6 . 10/10/2012
Ahh, so happy there is more of this. This chapter is amazing.
sevenpercent chapter 6 . 10/10/2012
I'm gald you're back in the writing frame of mind. Long may it last!
sevenpercent chapter 2 . 10/10/2012
THis chapter is SO good! It is economical, tight, absolutely perfect pitch for the characters and so in line with the series that I wouldn't be surprised to find bits of it turning up in Moffatt/Gattis's next script. The hiatus is hard to write, but you handle the London side of it really, really well. It will be interesting to see when Series three comes out whether they decide to go with the ACD canon that Mycroft knew and helped Sherlock, or whether you are right. Your version FEELS better- I just think Sherlock would enjoy giving big broher two fingers.
Prothoe chapter 5 . 6/5/2012
Another gripping chapter with a writing style of high quality!

Loved Sherlock's deductions and the small reminiscences to the show (well, meaning Sherlock's past) for example the composing in order to think.

It's quite a page-turner (if it had pages;))!

I hope the theatre performance has been a success and I hope you update soon;) Can't stand the suspense!
power0girl chapter 5 . 6/3/2012
That was pretty brilliant though! Kudos!

Nos chapter 5 . 6/2/2012
Gah, I love how Sherlock's thoughts are desperate from the character he is playing, it's gorgeous, I could gush like Cassidy.
Kirsten chapter 5 . 6/2/2012
This story is amazing, really clever, and sweeping your readers to the climax we all have in mind! I'll definitely be reading your next chapters when you manage to write them; well done!
resplendentgertrude chapter 4 . 5/21/2012
This is absolutely brilliant and left me wanting more.
Prothoe chapter 4 . 5/18/2012
No need to warn your readers;) It was an amazing idea to write it like that and you accomplished it perfectly.

Though I'm waiting eagerly for Sherlock's illness (I'm a 100% h/c addict) I want to state: take your time!;) This fic could gon on forever...

Brilliant stories like this help me to survive the long wait for season 3...
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