Reviews for Our Minds Together
Nevyn chapter 6 . 5/19/2013
I really enjoyed this one. Your grammar was also refressing. Mostly becasue you stuck to third person the entire time, using 'one' as need instead of 'you' and tripping into second person, which is a problem a lot of authors have. Mixing second and third person in stories is highly annoying. So, well done and thank you for posting and sharing!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/6/2013
So sweet!
Syrus chapter 6 . 11/30/2012
That was a great fic! I liked how Spock and Leonard's relationship slowly blossomed, and Spock telling Jim "much banging was to be had." was definitely the highlight!

I really liked it! Thanks for the highly entertaining story! XDDD
CarpeDiemForLife chapter 6 . 10/28/2012
Loved it! Very funny, well-written, and quite touching. Good job!
Colgate Cavity Protection chapter 6 . 8/6/2012
Loved it!
NATWEST chapter 6 . 8/1/2012
I just love this. You have kept in character with both and the building up on the relationship is great. I would to see how Spock family and Bones family react to the relationship.
HHMsaki chapter 6 . 7/23/2012
This whole story made me happy, because it ended with a happy and contented McCoy.
T.L. Imela chapter 6 . 7/3/2012
WOW! I LOVE this story! I have always had a love for Bones/Spock, and this is one of the BEST stories I have read about them so far. Everyone is in character, you are a very good writer, and there is a real beauty in Spock's struggle to come to terms with his feelings for Bones. This last chapter was particulary moving. I loved Bones showing up drunk and I also love how Spock is slowly letting himself learn to love. It's crazy how awesome this story is! I hope you update soon, otherwise I am just going to read the whole thing again :P
Ellen Smock chapter 6 . 6/27/2012
Excellent! Is there more? I can be happy with this wonderful moment as an ending, but I would love more if there's more inside you.
Ellen Smock chapter 5 . 6/27/2012
"He's intelligent, enigmatic, and not so hard on the eyes, either. The living incarnation of tall, dark, and mysterious. That amount of mystery could take an entire lifetime to solve. And the fact that he's not exactly falling all over every person he meets, unlike someone else we know, well, one could only hope to be the individual capable of breaking through that shield of logic and indifference."

That's it exactly! I've never seen anyone summarize it so perfectly. That you had Chapel do it is sort of perfect I guess... I'm really enjoying this story.
Spacer Paste chapter 6 . 6/24/2012
Dancing and clapping! Lovely, lovely story! You got their voices just right. Awesome!
TheDreamerLady chapter 6 . 6/22/2012
I mean, on the one hand, Spock PROLLY shouldn't have done that while McCoy was drunk.


In those words.

Anyway, moral of the story is update! I want to know what happens next!

Rindou Kiara chapter 5 . 6/13/2012
A little sizzle and spice makes it all nice. Though I must applaude you when McCoy exacted his revenge. That was hilarious. Heck, I would do that just to prove a point. Poor mccoy, all eyes are on him. I can't wait for more. Update soon.
TheDreamerLady chapter 5 . 6/13/2012
Awwww, SNAP! Leonard managed to get the ast word in!

And they are SO CUTE together! And Jim deserved that shower. So good!

Update! And start another story, cause I don't want this one to be over!

TheDreamerLady chapter 4 . 6/6/2012
Mmm. Spock isn't following strict protocols?

Bones is such a great influence!

Anyway, I can't wait for the next update for how the pair deals with the interference by the crew!

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