Reviews for When the Walls Get Heavy
SunnyStorms chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
This is actually a setup we don't see a lot of for DG, so on the premise alone you pulled me in. Usually D and G fall in love beforehand and Ginny either stays out of the trial or tries to help him get out of his sentence. Rarely do we see a Ginny who helped put Draco in Azkaban and still have a Draco who admits to loving her still instead of convincing himself that he despises her and hatching some sort of revenge plot.

It shows much more maturity especially on Draco's part to admit that he still loves Ginny despite her actions and to accept that his actions deserved punishment. In this circumstance, I don't think the first is really possible without his acceptance of the latter, so I'm glad you put both in. It's entirely possible too that Draco can develop such maturity, but usually writers don't characterize him as so, which is also a valid character path for him. That's one reason I like him so much as a character (to both write and read) because you can really plausibly take him in a number of directions. And I like where you took him here.

I love too what this setup says about Ginny - she doesn't dismiss what he's done and her morals remain in tact seeing as how she sticks by the fact that he shouldn't have gotten away with his actions scot-free, but she loves him still and owns up to that fact.

As a result of what you've done with both Draco and Ginny here, the love they have for each other in this piece comes across as incredibly deep and strong because of the great trial that it's been put through, which is probably the most striking aspect about this story.

This was a piece that gathered steam as it went to finish strong. I sense you probably wanted to set things up quickly to get to the main part of the story which is Ginny's visit, but I did feel that the beginning could use a bit more elaboration. The information was condensed such that I really didn't get as strong and vivid a feel for how harsh things were for Draco in prison. I think conveying that more would make the piece stronger as it would make his admission at the end even more noteworthy in the reader's impressions.

But like I said, the piece definitely gathered momentum as it went, which is great seeing as the story follows the progression of Draco and Ginny's charged meeting. There were two particular sections I loved to bits - one was the paragraph where he's reacting to Ginny having blurted out that she loves him and the other is the very last paragraph. They were both beautifully written and conveyed Draco's emotions in a really vivid, evocative way. Nicely done.
sneezingpanda12345 chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
It's sooooooooo good
opaque-girl chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
This is stunning. Even if I don't nesscarily agree with the characterization, I do realize this is fanfiction and people tend to write different characters, differently. That said, this is absolutely beautiful and I really enjoyed read it.. The last bit, where Draco said he would give another wand, his left arm just to touch her blew me away!
purple389 chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
Maddie Claire chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
Whoopies once again, I forgot to sign in. Oh well. I love how Draco comes full circle back to thinking about his wand at the end, although the mood has lifted to where he seems almost carefree. I guess being told he was still loved helped a lot there! I liked the little characterization of Draco still able to manipulate the guards into helping him out, it fits perfectly with his personality here, and in the books. At the same time his sense of remorse never fulls plays out, but the tone of Ginny's sadness seems to echo how he feels. The timeline here is a little confusing, but that may be my tired brain, 2 workouts and school everyday tend to do that! Thanks for letting me know this was posted, I really enjoyed it. I'll try to read and review more of them but my grades are slipping so i'll fix that first then be back for more.

Great job!
shouldbedoinghomework chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
really good :) glad they reached an understanding in the end :)