Reviews for Endgame
truephan chapter 27 . 6/29
Great chapter as always, pearl! I think you were wise for splitting it cause at least this poor reader needed some time to comprehend what was happening without adding LOTS of stuff happening if this chapter had been longer. And a lot has happened indeed! My fav part in this chapter was the scene between Vlad and Vivianne/Niane. It was very touching and still brings tears to my eyes. I also liked the scene between Vlad and Serenity, even if I had to make my brain cells work understanding all about bonds, Time and Order and all that stuff. Still, I completely enjoyed this chapter, especially since the action hasn't wound down yet! Until next time!

Dp-Marvel94 chapter 27 . 6/29
This whole chapter tried to kill me so many times. Vlad being in prison is so suprisingly sad. And Vlad saying good bye to his sister broke my heart. I liked the meeting of Serenity with the other Ancients, especially the explanation of the discord between her and Clockwork, its effects on Existence, and how and why she brought the Time Master back. And the parts with Danny, everyone giving up on Vlad and Danielle is just... really upsetting. And Vlad giving himself up to Serenity and Danny finding out as he was planning on doing something stupid to save Vlad was really distressing. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of that.
Alex Verse Naberrie chapter 27 . 6/29
new chapter! :)
Heracelio chapter 27 . 6/29
Clockwork is just as frustrated as me about his resurrection as me...


Not quite the horray moment after the battle as espected. But that makes it all the more interesting because the end becomes loose and unpredictable. Will Danny still end up as ‘removed’ from reality , will Vlad be happy?

I can’t wait the last release now.

Thank you for this awesome work filled to the brims of nuance caracthers and plot twist.
JH24 chapter 27 . 6/29
Seeing a new update in my inbox really made me smile! This was such an emotional chapter and I can't believe we're getting closer to the end. The way you portrayed both Danny and Vlad was amazing. It's both heartwarming and heartbreaking to see Danny wanting to do everything even if it means breaking into the prison to help and save Vlad; and to see Vlad as a truly changed man a man who has accepted it's too late for him but is at peace with it, because he will be saving those he cares about with his final act.

It made me smile seeing Danny interact with his friends and his family, and that even if they have different perspectives they are all willing to support him to help Vlad.

Serenity is an interesting character and the whole council meeting was very well done. The scene with Clockwork and the Observants was very powerful too: to see Clockwork locked in this inner struggle and I liked how you gave the Observants more depth as well as characters. Vlad meeting Annie in his cell was so emotional.

I'm really happy to hear from you again. I have no idea what's going to happen next but I'm really looking forward to find out! Thank you! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story with us all!
LuckyClover3 chapter 27 . 6/28
I love your story so much 3
Mana chapter 27 . 6/28
Oh boy this is getting close! Since it was getting to the end, I started looking back at my past reviews from years ago and boy I felt childish. Cringing at my immaturity, I was like young then (I'm in my mid twenties now), Lol.
Wonder what exactly is Serenity going to do to Vlad? At the is point I can guess what might happen. 1) Vlad might be sent to the true afterlife, with his parents and sister waiting for him and as he joins them, his soul reverts back to his teenage self. Vlad might be a little ashamed when facing his parents but they embrace him and they go to the beyond, with Annie in a good natured way goes 'race ya' and Vlad being like 'wha? hey no fair!'. 2) or what if they make Vlad the new Spirit of Order? If by chance he does, he could use his new 'Spirit Order' powers to restore Danielle and make her a true hybrid. This is from 'Danny Phantom 10 years later part 2' youtube video but maybe have Vlad look a little bit like the medieval version with the armor and the hairstyle if he turns into a Spirit.
If you saw the 'Danny Phantom Graduation' video, maybe you could put it as part of the epilogue, although it was funny and surprising that Desiree was able to summon Clockwork (of all people) and took Danny's graduation photo.
After reading Checkmate, Seeing is Disbelieving, and Endgame, I never saw the show the same way again. You're that talented. Its just too bad there won't be anymore after this. A part of me was hoping you'll do the 'College years' thing but oh well.
Til next time.
KaliAnn chapter 27 . 6/28
I like the depths of characterization you did for everyone involved in this chapter.
KuriMaster13 chapter 27 . 6/28
Yay, an update.

Oooo, this is definitely something.

Oh, it is all done now? Okay, so just a few days wait for the last chapter and then the epilogue. Got it.
mikaela2015 chapter 27 . 6/28
Oh my gosh! It’s like Vlad has been wiped from existence. I wonder what’s gonna happen next. Very good chapter and I can’t believe this story is almost done.

Both Checkmate and Endgame have become amazing and awesome stories.
Mist chapter 27 . 6/28
Haven't read this chapter yet but very excited

Thanks a lot for your hard work, Pearl! You're a wonderful author!

I'm also excited for DoaS

In short; you're the best!
Invader Johnny chapter 27 . 6/27
I can only say this, so many emotional rollercoasters from every angle, Clockwork, Serenity, Vlad, Niane and Danny oh boy, when he thought he was about to save Vlad, he got quite the shocker and now he wants answers.

But at this point given Vlad's deal with Serenity will there be anything left to save?

I will say that my favorite part of this chapter was Vlad's talk with Niane, it was bittersweet but they were finally able to move on.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
BlueRowley chapter 27 . 6/27
I was so happy when I saw this update! Thanks so much and I cannot wait to read more. Poor Danny is so conflicted, as is the rest of his family on Vlad’s situation, he’s such an anti-hero, after all. I wonder if Danny will be able to save Vlad at this point, or if they’ll be saying their final goodbyes. I was hoping they might have a more familial relationship by the end of all this, though. Ooh, I can’t wait to read how this all turns out. Until the next update!
haloguardian452 chapter 27 . 6/27
Amazing chapter as always, thank you for this rollercoaster wow everyone forgetting vlad i wonder how this goes... Im glad Dawning isn't, thats my favorite story out of the bunch! Thanks as always the best writer ever!
Dp-Marvel94 chapter 26 . 3/27
So much happened here and it was so good. There were so many gut punching moments when I thought it was over a s then it wasn't. You managed to surprise me many times and then it thought I knew where it was going and we were at that last, heartbreaking option. And then that didn't happen, so I'm quite pleased
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