Reviews for What Was That All About?
happyface chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Oh! Can make a setting where they meet at a cafe in an AU?
Guerrilla Warfare chapter 1 . 12/9/2012
That was nice. Sad it ended there, but it was nice all the same.
Dolphin64575 chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
Very cute! Just short and sweet, love how Marceline isn't even surprised, and turns on scary movies so Bubblegum will cuddle with her :)
A chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
you should continue
nonheterosexual chapter 1 . 5/3/2012

It was very cute.
Z3R0-TH3-H3R0 chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
Very cute. Interesting read. I think you got the characters perfectly. Not bad at all.

Just one thing that was on my mind. Don't get me wrong, it was an amazing story, but if you improve it would be greater! Try to take your time next time. (I sure don't on my stories)

And it seems that Bubble just forgets about why she came... kinda defeats the purpose of the summary... but i still liked that idea. Bubble doesn't get sidetracked easily ;)

:) Good luck next time.

Rating 9.5/10