Reviews for Date from Hell
Jenna Gem chapter 4 . 2/25/2018
Hello, and please

Get your ass back here and finish the goddamm story!

My heart can't handle too much...
KatherineDarkQueenRiddle666 chapter 4 . 12/31/2014
I loved it please update more
Guest chapter 4 . 9/30/2014
More please
Oracleshadow chapter 4 . 1/20/2014
Hell yeah I'm ready for the horrors! Give it to me! Please update!
Guest chapter 4 . 7/27/2013
Please Please Please Pleaseee Finsih 3
gigihailee chapter 4 . 1/29/2013
Please update! The story is so interesting an scary (but in a good way!) and I really enjoyed reading the chapters you had already posted! Really good story!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/9/2012
I really like the story so far. Hope u continue soon:3
SilverBelle11 chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
I have to say, your writing is very good. You are clear and concise. The idea is intriguing. I do have an issue here, though.

You are very out of character. Not just the characters themselves, but the feel of the story as a whole. The Danny Phantom series is a lighthearted kids' show. Language such as "fuck" wouldn't be heard coming from Danny or his friends. Additionally, the idea of this storyline having yaoi is preposterous. In the final movie, he and Sam end up together, and nowhere in the series will you find hints of homosexuality on Danny's part. Also, Kwan wasn't even THAT big of a character. He's a support there for comic relief.

Now. Before you react to my review, let me give you some perspective. THIS IS FAN FICTION. It's your world, and you can get as "out there" with the story as you'd like. If you wanted Danny to be a girl who likes purple unicorns and rainbows that would have been fine. I was overly critical to the point of being obnoxious on purpose.

You left a review on a chapter written by a dear friend of mine that left her very upset and discouraged in her writing. Your complaints with her story had nothing to do with the quality of her writing. It had nothing to do with her spelling, grammar, or even her sentence structure. In short, there was nothing concrete she needed to fix.

The complaint? She was out of character.

So you wrote a long, drawn out synopsis of the Inuyasha series as if we weren't already familiar with it just to say that you didn't like the way she portrayed a character. This was a ridiculous venture to me already, but then, I visited your profile where I found this:

"Let me just stop you right there. That's why I'm writing Fanfiction. So I can write my own plot, or write about pairings I truly enjoy."

So am I to believe that you are the only one allowed to spin a story to your own enjoyment? I certainly hope not as that is rather hypocritical, don't you think?

I said all of this to say, when giving a review or critique, please keep in mind the feelings of the author you are critiquing as well as the context in which your critique will be read. If you had corrected a concrete error on Alpha's part, I wouldn't be posting this right now. Instead you stated an opinion as though it were fact. This is a fanfiction site. The authors are free to do as they please with plot and evidenced by the story on which I am commenting, and out of respect for the vast talents of the author I am defending, I couldn't let a flame like the one I saw today go unchecked.

Thank you for you time and consideration.
kitty chapter 4 . 8/5/2012
so so good i waant to read more
xangabell chapter 4 . 6/19/2012
You have me on the edge of my seat! Fantastic work! I like how you're using real world elements in this. (Yes, I believe in shadows.) Can't wait for the next update!

(By the way, do you watch Ghost Adventures?)
sathreal chapter 4 . 6/10/2012
yay it was updated! I love this story
Amara Sessh chapter 4 . 6/2/2012
I'm scared for danny and feel real bad for the little girl :(

Update soon!
jeanette9a chapter 4 . 6/2/2012
As long as it doesn’t get gorier than it is, yes.
Amara Sessh chapter 3 . 5/6/2012
LMAO 'Look at the bright side! At least you get to be alone with Fenton…alone. Just the two of us…in the scariest fucking place in Amity Park.'

When Dash said "And Kwan and Danny will take The Forest…Where that little girl was murdered." lighting struck outside :x Scary

update soon plz
sathreal chapter 3 . 5/5/2012
i have neve r thought of this couple lol nice. well written story. Hope we get a lemon eventually..with Danny bottoming im sure cant wait for the next chapter
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