Reviews for Darkness I Became
Fin-Fish Jun-Tenshi chapter 42 . 12/13/2019
Man, they’re good.
JPElles chapter 40 . 5/26/2019
Interesting as usual.
Fin-Fish Jun-Tenshi chapter 40 . 5/18/2019
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh I’m a sucker these Sigyn stories! And this chapter Odin learning the error of his ways and Frigga I’m in tears!
auntcamryn chapter 38 . 7/11/2018
God, this story was beautiful written and made me cry at every turn. I loved the plot and your writing style, and I hope you will write more stories like this.
Fin-Fish Jun-Tenshi chapter 38 . 3/19/2018
I love this Dark Sigyn!
xXEndlessImaginationXx chapter 38 . 3/21/2016
Omg best interpretation of sigyn ever I wish you continued with this story
Guest chapter 38 . 6/20/2015
I love love love this story. I think this is my favorite interpretation of sigyn yet! You have her a sort of dark, vengeful streak that other authors lacked, and it makes her relationship with Loki much more believable. It puts them on equal footing, which is very important, and I just think you did a marvelous job with this fic.
~Princess Sarcastia
eventualprocrastination chapter 19 . 5/6/2015
Shit. Okay, fucked up. Chapter 19 has been removed and replaced with chapter 34. I no longer have the chapter to replace it. UGH!
CrazyasCresta chapter 34 . 5/5/2015
Brilliant story! I'm loving everything about it but how come chapter 19 and 34 are the same?
LadyFinwe chapter 38 . 4/24/2015
OMG please update asap, this is the best Loki story I have ever read and the sadness of Sigyn is terrible. :) Awesome writing :)
AresLaw chapter 19 . 3/18/2015
Just letting you know THIS chapter(19) is out of order, I doubt you haven't gotten this message before but*shrugs* just in case.

That said, I've just finished catching up on this fic and I am astounded. One of my absolute favorite things to do when I was younger(and obviously still, I am only 25) was to read. No fanfics back then so I read books, novels and various series'. I've read books with male protagonists, female heroines, children conquerors, and even a few elder bad-asses as the main characters. So believe me. When I say wholeheartedly and sincerely, that this kind of writing was what really got me to adore them in the first place. The kind of writing that really pulls you in and makes you feel and experience the book.

So thank you for the exceptional read. I will definitely check out your other works and hopefully will love them just as much :D

Looking forward to you making me more chapters,
JPElles chapter 38 . 3/10/2015
Odin is digging his own grave. All about order and control. Nothing else matters.
The Bizarre Don't Bite chapter 38 . 3/10/2015
Oh... she's the one who killed Odin and that's when Loki impersonated as him? I'm I right? ;)
Lemomina chapter 37 . 3/6/2015
I'm so glad that Sigyn now has a good relationship with her sister and someone to trust .
JPElles chapter 36 . 2/22/2015
They better be careful... Any child of Sigyn's would be heir to the crown by right of succession. She better be careful. Odin can try to circumvent it to keep Thor in line but I don't think he really wants the crown so... By Death or being taken from her to be raised in Odin's vision something bad is sure to be in store for Loki and Sigyn and any children.
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