Reviews for In the Memories of the Smoke
Emily81802 chapter 11 . 1/24
Loved it!
cameronlove chapter 11 . 10/13/2017
This story us soo beautiful... Im crying now... This is one of my fav. and I love it so so much...
sky chapter 3 . 9/15/2016
Love it. I'm glad I found it, thanks Tumblr.
Guest chapter 11 . 8/9/2014
I hope you're happy with yourself you lil bitch. The last chapter, god, it was so good I've been crying non stop for god knows how long. The ending got me fucked up, it's beautiful how their son told his daughter about his parents' love story. I'm having a breakdown right now. God I dont know whether to hug you and tell you how much I love you or slap you and curse you for writing such an amazing ending for this story
AshleyNCM chapter 11 . 7/15/2014
I cried, this is an amazing story! Loved it. Just amazing!
bloodandromance chapter 11 . 4/27/2014
Okay that was scary, I thought Klaus was really dead and Caroline was moving on for good. I love your work
looneyshazza chapter 11 . 5/23/2013
Loved this story!
Lornaa chapter 11 . 12/27/2012
beautiful story
harryspetal chapter 11 . 12/26/2012
haha omg the notebook reference :P haha very good story! i loved reading! 3
Clockshapedwalls chapter 3 . 12/23/2012
I will start crying if Klaus dies ; n ;
OKBooey31 chapter 11 . 8/28/2012
awwww I love this! the end was perfect:) thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 11 . 8/7/2012
Such a sweet quick read (:
mikaelsonswife chapter 11 . 8/7/2012
I love it :) it was amazing
Ayanna Branham chapter 6 . 7/24/2012
I love your stories! I feel like I'm right there! :D amazing!
Irene SoWhat chapter 11 . 7/24/2012
I must warn you first, this review is going to be long and probably quite messy. So get ready! :) Just could't tear myself from reading to leave a review to every chapter. I started reading the same day you posted the 10th chapter. It took me half of a night to read everything. I just didn't feel like writing a review right away. So I returned here at a daytime to leave a review and saw that you added the final chapter. To my disappointment, as I got somewhere near the midst of the chapter I got interrupted by my bestie emerging on my doorstep. But I was so excited to know the end that I took a decision to ignore her for a couple of minutes till I reach the last sentence while she was sitting next to me. I didn't get a chance to write a review on that day. I'm so glad I am finally doing it now 'cause I couldn't stop thinking about your story.
First off, how this story doesn't have more reviews? It deserves way more, for sure! This story is fantastic! Normally I'm not keen on AU stories and am very picky to them. I think that characters tend to lose their initial features when are transfered to AU. But here you managed to capture every main trait of your characters, so their actions or words doesn't seem out of character in present situation. When I read the summary for the story I couldn't even imagine how magnificent and exceptional it is. I was entirely taken by first chapter and experienced the whole spectrum of emotions that pulled on my heartstrings and it was absolutely wonderful and unbeknownst to me before. You wrote everything so beautifully it is beyond words. (or maybe it's my lack of vocabulary to blame :D) I loved every word of it! I really enjoyed the fact that Klaus and Care were corresponding and the letters themself. Although It's a shame we've never got a chance to take a glance at one of Klaus' letters to Caroline. I am still highly curious of what he might have written to her! Maybe you'll think about it, you know? :) I've been gasping and fidgeting through the whole story. I've dwelled on that line in chapter 4 about how Caroline hates silence and it feels desperate to her. Also I loved that part when boys were listening to the radio and further. It just felt so real and sorrowful... Then, chapter 6 amazed me. There was a lot of action in it. One moment I was happy that Matt was found, next felt genually surprised when Klaus came up with thet risky mission and ended up feeling nervous for Caroline, then relieved when Klaus came to her. I loved the next chapter so much! Everything was perfect there. The kiss, how Klaus is caring and protactive over Care. :) I found that interaction between Klaus and Tyler amusing in a way. I actually feel sad for Tyler here: he's a good guy and cares for Caroline. Anyway, Klaus is protective and both of them are gelous and that's funny. Klaroline scene in chapter 8 is so beautiful it took my breath away! It felt natural, but had some magical air around heart was clutcing and melting simultaneously while their talking. Why, why can't Caroline have babies?.. It just broke my heart! I expected you to give some sort of explanation or backstory to that. By the way, when she mentioned Pearl Harbor I realised I'd never watched the movie! My heart skipped a bit at the end of that chapter and I was so glad there was no necesity for me to wait for an update to find out! And chapter 9 was a hell of suspense and took me completely by surprise. While reading I was ready to believe in something bad happening to Caroline and in Finn being a traitor. The idea of tripple-crossing was original and nowhere near predictable! Brilliant! Next, I really admired at how Caroline had the courage and wit to save Finn. I also enjoyed reading her confident orders to people around. And my heart is warmed up with the fact that Klaus is always there for her, saying the write words to reassure her. I grew to love Caroline and Matt's relative relationship deeply. You wrote it so gentle, heartmelting and so true. Oh, the last Klaroline interaction made me sad and want to cry, but was perfect. Two final lines were full of sadness and poetically beautiful, yet gave hope. Last chapter. Just gave me an unalterable proof of how talanted, poweful and unpredictable your writing is. I did not expect it to be like this. At all! My heart broke over that chapter. It is so emotional! You made me gasping in surprise and jumping in my chair eager to read more and changing my mind in a second as lines followed one another. I expected you to give them just a brilliant happy ending or a finale with Klaus' death - it's war, after all. But I didn't expect Klaus to be gone for five years and Caroline to be so miserable about it my heart ached. As he showed up and told her about those 365 letters I just couldn't help, but feel bad for him, too. So romantic, so heartbraking. I did not trouble myself with too much thinking about Gregory's personality here. I believe he was an in-between face serving to a purpose of Klaus an Caroline meeting again. Mm, you know what? When Klaus told Caroline he still loved her, it came to me that in this story neither he, nor she ever confessed! Has it been said, but you decided to leave it out of view? Or not? Because, frankly, it doesn't feel like an accidental miscalculation. You somehow managed to make this love and need so palpable, that it was understood without verbal declarations. The ending is original! I am extremely happy that they had a child. It's only fair! I would say it'd be good to have more stories like this one, but NO. This story is epic. It's unique and so unlike others, let it be the one and only of it's kind! At tames it was like I was reading a book, not a fanfiction. And I could actually picture what I've read vividly. How talanted you are! Now it's time for me to apologise for this neverending outburst as well as for any possible kind of mistake you'll stumble upon. It just that when I REALLY like something I always have lots of things to say. I hope it will make you smile at least!
Thank you for sharing this story! Take care.
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