Reviews for Itadaki no Hecate
Guest chapter 42 . 1/28/2019
Please make a new one. I’ve been waiting forever.
Come back bruh chapter 42 . 2/27/2018
I’ve re-read this quite a few times now and every time I find something new. This is an amazing AU. I hope you update this whenever you get the chance. I know you have other responsibilities with the manga you are writing but never forgot what started you on this journey!
freeforall546 chapter 42 . 11/1/2017
please update this!
alanwalker chapter 25 . 5/21/2017
fucking shit you bitch! damn shana you shameless whore! this chapter was beautiful, but that shana bitch had to ruin it. arrgh!
jimmychen chapter 24 . 5/21/2017
i'm actually dissappointed that shana lived. sad T.T
alanwalker chapter 21 . 5/21/2017
shana's a villain! well, hated her anyway.. will you kill her off later? really hope you do..
hziulquoigmnzhah chapter 10 . 2/17/2017
I'm curious does shana not exist in this continuity?
The Cat chapter 42 . 9/18/2016
Please update, meow...
jjmm095 chapter 42 . 8/21/2016
Awesome chapter, the battle between Yuji and Southvalley was pretty intense, now Shana has arrived and is going to fight against the crazy flame haze, and even of he somehow manages to tie woth her there is still Hecate going to the rescue.

That said I really want Yuji to be the one who finishes Southvalley, to end the man who killed his father. I know that at the end there was a measure of respect between the elder Sakai and the flame haze but still I believe that Yuji needs to end him.

I love how Yuji is being portrait in the fighting aspect, he is not suddenly all powerful it is even stated that in close combat against a experienced and powerful enough opponent he is at a great disadvantage. However, he still manages to win thanks to a combination of two elements, first he now has acces to the full power of the Tyrant a being that was originally designed to contain the might of a Crimson God and that has being upgraded and empowered constantly by Bal Masque for centuries if not millenia, and second, he applies both the tactical knowledge and out of the box smart thinking taught to him by his father and the lessons on spells and on power of existence given to him by Hecate ( one of the most powerful and experienced spell caster ever). Those two together are the key to Yuji's succes as a figther, something that is awesome because it makes him a real threat without making him so powerful that becomes ridiculous, add to that the fact that as much power as the Tyrant has Yuji himself can only draw so much before his body tires and you have a pretty awesome and balanced character. Great Job :D

As always what a great chapter, I truly love it, kudos for having Yuji use fire breath like Sydonay and Margeary, I truly love that part. Excellent quality as always, this truly is the best Shakugan no Shana fanfic there is. Keep up the amazing job :D
yannick chapter 42 . 8/7/2016
pls update this story
KingOfEternity chapter 42 . 5/31/2016
XD this story really is 's amazing how interesting this has to be one of my top 5 favorite fanfictions.
ZK chapter 42 . 4/17/2016
It is excelent story comparable to the original.
UnholyDiver chapter 42 . 2/2/2016
Holy shit, Yuji went from happy-go-lucky teenage schoolboy to asskicking brainiac magical terrorist in, like, three chapters. And somehow it still makes total sense.
fangs of death chapter 42 . 10/27/2015
Great chapter. Looking forward for the next one!
CapoExecutor chapter 42 . 10/11/2015
It's all come down to this. The chapter is touch-and-go with all the maneuvers and revelations being done left and right. Everything seems to be coming together and now it's Shana vs
Southvalley. Looking forward to it!
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