Reviews for Blurring the Lines
Trident Alexandras chapter 5 . 4/15/2019
Good, the BELTWAY in the story is a prick. The cunt BELTWAY. He had it coming.
CrackPairingLover chapter 5 . 3/25/2017
This...was one hell of a ride. The interactions, the fighting, everything! This is literally one of the best RE FanFics I've read, and that's no joke! It's hard to find one which features ORC characters these days, and you did a pretty good job at portraying the characters! I love it!

Anyway, keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 3 . 1/4/2016
Too bad Dee ay died and Bertha too but now I'm curious to see who would of come on top of Vectore and Bretha fought oh and sad tweed died too
Guest chapter 2 . 1/4/2016
Damn did it see that one coming...
Guest chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
Spectre would just up and leave them lol can't you technically see four eyes face already?
Trident Alexandras chapter 2 . 11/8/2015
You should made him rape the girls
Big Meanie chapter 5 . 5/10/2015
I enjoyed this Fanfic all the way through. I think a sequel would be cool like everyone else suggested and I myself suggest a Echo-Six version. But whatever you wish, I must say you write better then me. :-)
- Master S Girl 112
guest chapter 5 . 3/16/2015
Sabere Commander chapter 5 . 9/8/2014
Bull Fucking shit... No way you fucking ended it like that... WHAT THE FUCK! Make a god dam sequel you ass hole piece of shit! This ending sucked!

If you do make a sequel have it be about Vector and Party Girl... Have them find out what happened to them...
DasCheesenborgir chapter 1 . 4/19/2014
I've never even played this game before (only watched a buncha videos and read up on it... too cheap to buy it lol) and I thought this was phenomenal.

I'm always bitching about how the faceless black ops kinds of characters end up getting swept beneath the rug as glorified cannon fodder in fiction, and even when the game did come out I still got that sort of vibe from it.

This story, I feel, does Wolfpack more justice than the game ever could have.

It was tense, it was unpredictable, you took a few risks here and there and made some really nice twists, and I loved every second of it.

I've a wee complaint with how the romance progressed kinda quickly and was a bit predictable at times, but I think you wrapped it up nicely enough in the epilogue and the story itself was kind of short, so it's a minor gripe at best.

So, yeah. Really enjoyed this, I could only wish that there was more of it.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/25/2013
Beltway dies? NOOOOOO! I hope Vector and Party Girl get their revenge.
Guest chapter 5 . 2/8/2013
This is the best Operation Raccoon City fic hands down! Even though my favorite character died at the end I still really liked it!
Ralf Jones chapter 5 . 10/2/2012
It is nice to see a good fic about ORC...

That said, this was a sad ending, but realistic in many ways...

Great job!
redyster chapter 5 . 7/8/2012
a very good, and sad ending. but this fanfic is very good, perfect. keep up the good work! :)
HunterKiller762 chapter 5 . 7/1/2012
I have to say you are a talented auther, and this is a well writen story. That being said, the ending was a little disapointing. I know what your getting at, and in a senario such as this I could see Umbrella performing actions like that. Its just felt bitter-sweet in the end to see Lupo be taken and Beltway killed.
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