Reviews for I Know Everything You Don't Want Me To
you suck chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
wow this was the stupidest Blaine\Kurt story I've ever read!pffft your Blaine is such a wimp and a pussy and Kurt is so gross and a moron!

also the sex scene is really disgusting!
mardie186 chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
Bravo, well done! Anyone who "ass-umes" that Kurt is the girl in the relationship doesn't read his personality very well. Their dialogue was very realistic and so "them". They are learning more about each other all the time and are open enough to discuss their wants and needs; even if its somewhat awkward. Kurt wanting to worship Blaine's body, and rim him. And Blaine finally asking Kurt for what he wanted most. These two are so awesome together because they truly want to please each other and they COMMUNICATE. Most relationships that fail, fail due to a lack of open communication. That's why these two are my OTP and always will be. No lying and game playing like some of the other couples. And no cheating either.
bluecharlotte chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
I absolutely loved this. It was just so fantastically intimate and comfortable and real. The interspersed conversation was totally believable, and it's awesome that you show how they're reasonably comfortable talking about sex. The entire thing was just indescribably awesome, really. You totally got the characters and I love the situation and how it was so unplanned and the smut and the blaingst and how perfect they are and just. Everything. I needed to read a really good fic and this was just ten times better than that. Phenomenal writing :)
GretchenDarko chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
Omg that was amazing, it should have much more reviews!
IamAnabelle chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
I'm not usually into angst, but I'm so glad I've read this! It's beautiful, sure, it's angsty, but it's also fluffy and so adorable! And, let's not forget HOT!

I so understood what Blaine was saying, people calling Kurt a girl or girly is ridiculous and assuming Blaine is 'the guy' in relationship between two guys is offensive. I'm really sorry that even many fans share that opinion.

All in all, such a wonderful story! Great job!
ForgetMeNotOrchid chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
you write perfect things.