Reviews for Crow and Butterfly
Boopem chapter 1 . 7/17/2013
Oh my that's so sad so good QAQ nooo
Liz-in-a-teacup chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
Ow. That was right in the feels, okay? That was really good.
patchwork-robe chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
Wow, this was beautiful. Tragic, but beautiful. I would love to see more work from you!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
Your TobiRockingBoy right? When you said the Alice in wonderland thing the first thing that came up to my mind was RIW. That was a really... nicely written story. I hope you come out with other one shots. I really enjoyed reading this one.

Butterscotch MacTavish chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
You know how much I love our Soap and Roach, and this was very beautiful, yet heart wrenching and sad. :( You know I truly dug the Alice In Wonderland reference! lol

I absolutely loved it. I know that you are very busy with your art projects and don't have much time for writing, but I would love to read more from you. :D