Reviews for Duty Obliges
silberstreif chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
What a awesome story idea. Mirage's struggle and resignation with is own programming is well shown. He knwos what he is, is even proud of it, and he doesn't like to kill - as long as his own programming isn't taking over.

Jazz's disbelief on the other hand was very understandable. The "joke" is *built* for wetwork? Death Knight seems to be something like a legend of darker times... To suddenly realise that the joke is one, well, he had to readjust many things.

And then last scene was very nice. Smokescreen evaluation hasn't /couldn't change anything. Mirage is indeed hardwired to kill and has accepted that long ago. Peace time doesn't change anything. And his tenants... well, they're his to protect, arent they? The only question is how many will die.

Wonderful work. I absolutely love this story. And your background knowledge is impressive.

MissMary chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
Interesting concept well written; I enjoyed it.
Acidgreenflames chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
I loved this story! Such a different take on Mirage and his nobility stature, its very refreshing.