Reviews for In Silentio Luctum
Guest chapter 6 . 3/5
Yes, poor baby had to be by your lonesome! *abounding sarcasm* You would've have been if you brought John along, Idiot. John's pain is deeper, more powerful due to him believing you were dead. Yes, poor you, a*ehole! Noble deed but not bringing John along was WRONG! I have little sympathy for dear Sherlock. *sarcasm, sarcasm*
theywontletmedeletethisaccount chapter 2 . 5/15/2013
I screamed at the floral apron bit. Loving this!
MyGuideToTheGalaxy42 chapter 5 . 6/21/2012
Well i'm more or less reviewing the whole story, not just chapter 5. But all I can say is 'wow'. I'm also fairly new to this whole "fan fiction" thing, and this is about the 10th story i have read; second Sherlock. I haven't written any of my own yet, but i hope to...eventually. Back to the review, it was a very easy read, not meaning like for little children, but everything flowed really well. I believe you capture the characters very well. there wasn't a tremendous amount of detail, but the reader doesn't need it, an image is perfectly formed in their mind. The chapters are of fair length, not short like some that I've read, but not going on and on.

And each chapter made me want more, it made me keep on reading. There's not much else i can say but job well done
sherlock12 chapter 4 . 5/27/2012
I love it! When do you update?
Amelia Greene chapter 4 . 5/24/2012
Oh good lord, here we go... XD Poor Sherlock, he just gets back from hiding and then, not even an hour after, he gets kidnapped P Anyway, really awesome job on this, I can't wait for more! D
LokistoletheTARDIS chapter 3 . 5/21/2012
Still love it! Keep it up!
LokistoletheTARDIS chapter 2 . 4/16/2012
I can just imagine John like that! Keep writing!l
Motimo chapter 2 . 4/16/2012
I really really liked the language and style in the first chapter, and I really like the events that occur in the second! Please say you'll be writing more! :)